[Retros] Portoroz Codex Meeting + retro anticipations

Kevin Begley kevin_begley at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 12 20:06:54 EDT 2002

Life can be funny sometimes... Suddenly, Tom's legal argument seems applicable to an entirely different matter: "retro-anticipation."

Joost wrote:

>There was a Codex subcommittee meeting in Portoroz, in which was decided

> that originals published on a mailinglist were considered to be first

> publications. So if you send a composition to this list, you can't send it

> to another column for first publication.

> This also extends to compositions published on for instance a discussion

> forum which can be accessed publicly. Preferrably, originals published on a

> webpage should have the date, on which the composition was made public,

> mentioned.

It seems to me that the decision of Portoroz was not published until AFTER the haunted proofgame (by Mestel & Comay) was posted here. Thus, the proofgame should still be eligible for first-publication elsewhere.

Kevin Begley.

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