[LargeFormat] Chicago...tripods and the law

Tim Atherton largeformat@f32.net
Thu Feb 19 13:26:13 2004

> I was once asked to turn on my MPP Mk VII (English clone of Linhof
> Technica)...

I'm fed up with the airport jobsworths asking me to turn either my Toyo 45A,
My Phillips or my Leica M4P - last time I launched into my - "you can't turn
it on it doesn't have batteries" routine my wife kicked me in the shins
(while at the same time trying to stop our two and a half year old from
constantly ramming and demolishing the metal detector with his stroller -
this was the 3rd airport and 12th hour of a long trip), looked at them with
a scowl and said "just open it up for them, they are too stupid to

Having been on the receiving end of that look myself, I noticed the security
guard just shut up, took a quick look at the camera and handed it back....
