[LargeFormat] Confused Uncle Seeks Truth

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Sat May 3 21:20:10 2003

Dear Friends,

     Uncle Dick has been reading about soemthing called a Redhancer filter.
Apparently this will boost up the red tones in a colour picture while
leaving the other colours unaffected. A special glass, I believe.

     I am intrigued. I need guidance before I spend my own money. ( If I am
spending someone else's money I can do it freehand - this is a principle
very popular with the government....)

    1.    Does it really work?

    2.     Does it work in red only or does it extend to orange and yellow?

    3.     How much of a boost is there?

    4.     Is it an effect that is dependant upon the angle of the sun or
rotation of the filter like a polarising filter?

    5.    Does it affect red tones in a negative and a transparency film

    6.     Can your eye see these changes in the red tones when you look
through the filter at the scene that you want to photograph?

    7.    Is there an exposure increase needed?

    8.     Is there a similar filter that works on other colours? ie blue or

     I hope someone in the landscape line has had some experience with one
of these and can report. Many thanks for the help.

     Uncle Dick