[LargeFormat] Wooden Field Camera Jigsaws (was: re: A most useful manufacturer...)

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jan 18 17:50:01 2002

I use an alphitic glue, plain old yellow wood glue. It's water resistant,
has a long working time and doesn't turn your fingers black. Best to use
blocks and clamps. For a release agent between the block and the camera I
use a real High tech, High molecular, low friction film--wax paper.

As far as those pesky brads go, I've used a spatula (no dear  I did NOT use
your mother's sterling butter knife) to try to get under the fabric and
lift.  Once the sterling gets locked up you can find smaller and stiffer
spatualas at art supply stores, got a very nice stainless steel version with
a 1/4" wide blade for a lot less than a sterling butter knife.   If you
can't get under the fabric, then  I suggest clippers. I've also had sucess
with convex shaped toe nail clippers, just be careful not to clip the head.
Jewler's sized diagonal cutters work well too. Regular diagonal cutters have
the blade ground on both sides, so you can't get close enough to the head.

I think I changed my name in this email program. We'll see.  I just got a
new G4 867mhz computer with both the OS X and OS 9.2 operating systems and
now have 2 explorer's, 2 netscapes, Apple mail, Outlook express and Netscape
Mail.  So if this one if fixed there are others!!!

> From: Clive Warren <cocam@cableinet.co.uk>
> Reply-To: largeformat@f32.net
> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 16:49:42 +0000
> To: largeformat@f32.net
> Subject: [LargeFormat] Wooden Field Camera Jigsaws (was: re: A most useful
> manufacturer...)
> At 8:24 am -0800 18/1/02, lnphoto wrote:
> snip
>> I've since put in a new breaker box with seperate runs for the lights and
>> the saws and it's a big help.  I"ve made lensboards--both onepiece plywood
>> and three piece mahogany, light stands, One box camera, repaird one old
>> camera that had been dropped and tore the bed off the box, and made lots and
>> lots of saw dust. that's really my speciality!
>> Les
> Les,
> You are just the person I need here right now - or maybe I should
> come to you... A camera just arrived in the post, yep, it's wood and
> they dropped it from the aircraft on the way over from the looks of
> it. It was going to be the main part of my latest 6x17cm project but
> has been trashed. Sigh....... Am well set up here for metal work but
> not wood.  What sort of glue should I be using on the cherry wood to
> piece it all back together?
> Any tips on removal of those small nails used to attach bellows to
> the standards would also be useful.
> I sometimes get confused (well it has been happening a lot lately!)
> with your name on the list - how about putting your name in your
> EMail client to help me become less confused?
> Cheers,
> Clive
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