[Jacob-list] 07/07/03

Karen karen at benjaminfarms.com
Mon Jul 7 10:26:41 EDT 2003

    Has anyone ever had to deal with  CL or caseous lymphadenitis? 
Help.  I had a ram which had an abcess on his jaw.  The vet. came out 
and cut it off,  saying it was not his first one. When the next abcess 
appeared he went away. Now I have a buck which has an abcess and some 
sever swelling.  I am not sure if I am dealing with several problems or 
just one.  I have had several people look at him and none have come up 
with any ideas. 
    We need to make a decision soon, because he seems to be getting 
worse.... the latest is his chest,  it seem to swell up and then it got 
better,  now his skin is coming off exposing his flesh.  We have it 
wrapped with all kinds of medicine.  He has been on all kinds of 
antibotics.  I think we are fighting a no win battle.  The hardest part 
is not knowing what we are fighting.
Thanks Karen Sigler
Benjamin Farms,  Utah

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