Richard Reid a martyr of Al-Qaeda?

Thu, 27 Dec 2001 09:56:22 -0500

Why is no one taking dogs [or even pigs] seriously as explosive detectors?
Is it simply not enough profit potential? I don't think it takes more than
six months to train a dog; so they could be on-line relativel,y quickly.
Their maintenance --- as well as margin of error --- is remarkably low; they
don't break, jam or require human judgement. [and I believe they are
specialists ... that is not inclined to point out carriers of joints as well
as plastique.


on 12/27/2001 8:42 AM, Wayne Johnson at wrote:

> Late breaking news:
> Paris, France.
> Over a mounting howl of objections by French truffle farmers, the French
> police have seized 150 truffle-sniffing pigs for part-time duty at Orly and
> other major airports.  The porcine police will be re-trained to detect C4,
> Semtek and bad personal hygiene and will be stationed adjacent to the metal
> detectors.  The nasal sensitivity of these animals is recognized by all as
> being better than their canine comrades in the UK, US and other non-French
> speaking countries.  Officially they will be called Le Patrol Chochon.
> Truffle futures have already begun to climb.
> L'bubba.

-- Mary Ann Wilson