Segway, Last Colonial War, rebellious youth

Michael Eisenstadt
Tue, 04 Dec 2001 12:58:51 -0600

Roger Baker sent 2 paragraphs and 2 Web page pointers.

Stylistically it is not clear who wrote these 2 paragraphs.
Did you, Roger, write them or did you paste them in from
somewhere else? Please advise.

As for the 2 pointers, one of them is broken. The other
is to an article by a Robert Fisk who wishes the Jews
in Israel to be driven out and the land to be reclaimed =

by Arabs. Is that your view as well, Roger? Remind me to =

bring this issue up the next time we meet face to face.

Robert Fisk writes:

"The reality is that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is =

the last colonial war. The French thought that they were =

fighting the last battle of this kind. They had long ago =

conquered Algeria. They set up their farms and settlements =

in the most beautiful land in North Africa. And when the =

Algerians demanded independence, they called them =

"terrorists" and they shot down their demonstrators and =

they tortured their guerrilla enemies and they murdered =

=96 in "targeted killings" =96 their antagonists."

Fisk is sly. He doesnt have the courage to say outright
that the Jews are to be driven into the sea. He hopes
merely that they suffer the same experience as the =

French who finally departed Algeria after a long nasty
colonial war. And this is what you believe also, Roger? =

That the Jews in Israel should run away or die?