[MyAppleMenu] Jul 3, 2007

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Jul 3 13:15:01 EDT 2007


**** Aple Denies Big Record Label May Quit iTunes <http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/07/03/BUGM5QPPLG1.DTL>
by Ellen Lee, San Francisco Chronicle
Apple Inc. denied reports Monday that record label Universal Music Group did not plan to renew its contract to sell songs on its online iTunes Store.
"We re still negotiating with Universal," Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr said. "Their music is still on iTunes and their not re-signing is just not true."

**** Universal Downgrades Kneecapping To Kick In Nuts <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/07/03/umg_apple_itunes/>
by Andrew Orlowski, The Register
Universal Music Group has responded to yesterday's report in the /New York Times/ by declaring that it will continue to supply its catalog to Apple's iTunes store. It'll just do so on new terms, far more flexible than it previously enjoyed.

**** FinanceToGo 1.5 Adds Address Book Support <http://www.macminute.com/2007/07/03/financetogo/>
by MacMinute

**** iPhone Hackers Disclose Vulns And Hunt For Clues <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/07/03/iphone_hacking_progress/>
by Dan Goodin, The Register
Less than 72 hours after the iPhone's introduction, researchers have reported at least one flaw that could allow an attacker some level of control over the device, while other hackers have uncovered passwords hiding in Apple software that could prove key in gaining root access, they said.

**** iPhone, Therefore iTap And Tap And... <http://www.macworld.com/weblogs/editors/2007/07/itapping/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Rob Griffiths, Macworld
On my Tero, there are six hardware buttons that can be used regardless of which program you're running. On the iPhone, there's just one (the Home button). While this keeps the design clean and reduces the learning curve, it definitely leads to (tap... tap... tap...) mre work to accomplsh certain things.
/More gesture shortcuts, handwriting recognitions, and even voice recognition: Apple needs to keep innovating, adding new stuff, while maintaining a super easy-to-use iPhone./

**** Inside The iPhone's Visual Charms <http://www.macworld.com/2007/07/features/iphone_photos/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Christopher Breen, Macworld
Photos, a built-in camera, and YouTube access augment mobile phone's offerings.

**** Tada! The 6Th Gen Contract-Free WiFi-Enabled iPod <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/07/02/tada-the-6th-gen-contract-free-wifi-enabled-ipod/>
by Erica Sadun, The Unofficial Apple Weblog
I found that your activated iPhone is a lot more flexible and powerful than AT&amp;T and Apple admit.

**** Apple iPhone (4GB/8GB) <http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/ipod/review/apple-iphone-4gb-8gb/>
by Jeremy Horwitz, iLounge
With iPhone, Apple &mdash; a company with considerable consumer electronics and computer experience but no track record in cell phones &mdash; has come out of the gate with a product htat is all but stunning cosmetically and functionally.

**** Apple iPhone: Groundbreaking Wireless Communicator Really Lives Up To The Hype <http://www.macworld.com/2007/07/reviews/iphone_rev/index.php>
by Jason Snell, Macworld
This first iPhone is an impressively polished product, with none of the haphazardness that we've come to associate with anything 1.0.

**** Two Days After iPhone Launch, AT&amp;T EDGE Goes Down <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/07/02/edgedown/index.php>
by Nancy Gohring, IDG News Service
iPhone users across the U.S. was complaining Monday that AT&amp;T Inc.'s wireless data network was down.

**** Today I'm A Mac User <http://www.duncanriley.com/2007/07/02/today-im-a-mac-user/>
by Duncan Riley
I've still got a lot to learn but so far no error messages, no validation messages, no continual prompts asking me if I want to do that: not having to deal with this alone is worth its weight in gold.

**** Apple Falls, Sprint Up After iPhone Launch <http://www.reuters.com/article/technology-media-telco-SP/idUSN0233993220070702>
by Reuters

**** Why Universal Bit Apple Back <http://www.forbes.com/media/2007/07/02/apple-itunes-universal-biz-media-cx_0702music.html>
by Louis Hau, Forbes
The move means that Universal will treat Apple like pretty much any other retailer it does business with, marking a first step in restoring some balance in the relationship between Apple chief executive Steve Jobs and the struggling recording industry.

**** How Can I Send A Multimedia Message (MMS) From The Apple iPhone? <http://www.iphonefaq.org/archives/97158>
by iPhone FAQ
Using iPhone's email picture function, you can still get your photos over to your friends' phones by emailing it to their phone.

**** Beyond Sweet <http://furbo.org/2007/07/02/beyond-sweet/>
by Craig Hockenberry, furbo.org
Even though we don't have an iPhone SDK, we can begin this difficult process of rethinking our designs. And in many cases, HTML and Javascript can be used to prototype these redesigns.

**** Joining The iPod Nation <http://www.ajc.com/blogs/content/shared-blogs/ajc/cop/entries/2007/07/02/joining_the_ipo.html>
by Steve Rose, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

**** AT&amp;T Offering Refunds For Forced iPhone Accessory Bundles <http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/apple/followup-att-offering-refunds-for-forced-iphone-accessory-bundles-274468.php>
by Gizmodo
If you were forced into buying iPhone accessories you don't want, go ahead and return them to the store where you bought them.

**** iPhone Shows Need For New Wireless Network <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/07/02/frontline/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Grant Gross, IDG News Service
Complaints about the speed of the network that Apple's new iPhone connects to points to the need for a new broadband wireless network in the U.S., said a businessman proposing one.

**** Apple Secures iPhone.com For Seven-Figure Sum - Report <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/07/07/02/apple_secures_iphone_com_for_seven_figure_sum____report.html>
by Aidan Malley, AppleInsider
A last minute bid by Apple Inc. to acquire the iPhone.com domain ahead of the gadget's launch on Friday is reported to have netted its previous registrant a seven-digital sum.
/First Cisco. Must Apple choose the iPhone name?/

**** My iPhone Doesn't Work, But I Love It Anyway <http://www.slate.com/id/2169620/fr/rss/>
by Reihan Salam, Slate
Inside the mind of an Apple obsessive.

**** Sales Of iPhones Beat Analysts' Expectations <http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/02/business/iphone.php>
by Bloombger News, International Herald Tribune
Several analysts said Monday that Apple had sold significantly more iPhone in the United States than they expected over the weekend, suggesting the company would reach its goal of making mobile phones as profitable as its computers and the iPod.

**** iPhone: Poor Compatibility With Web Apps <http://www.gearlog.com/2007/07/iphone_poor_compatibility_with.php>
by Gearlog

**** AOL Boasts Mac-Specific Improvements <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/07/02/aol/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld

**** Square Box Upgrades CatDV To Version 6 <http://www.macobserver.com/article/2007/07/02.18.shtml>
by John Martellaro, Mac Observer
Square Box Systems announced on Monday the immediate availability of CatDV 6.0, a major upgrade to its video logging and media asset software for Mac OS X and Windows.

**** iPhone Teardown Suggests $200-220 Build Cost <http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/07/02/iphone.teardown/>
by MacNN
/Obviously, this does not include the cost of creating that wonderful software that powers the great experience./

**** iPhone Battery Warranty, Replacement Information <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/07/02/iphone-battery-warranty-replacement-information/>
by Dave Caolo, The Unofficial Apple Weblog
A new one will cost you $79US.

**** Apple Patches 'Snap, Crckle, Pop' Bug <http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9026088&source=rss_topic123>
by Gregg Keizer, Computerworld
Tagged as "Audio Update 2007-001," the 660KB download targets all Intel-powered Macs, said Apple. "<This> addresses an issue with version 1.0 of the Mac OS X 10.4.10 Update in which a 'popping' sound might be heard with some external spekers on Intel-based Macs."

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Online Customized Ads Move A Step Closer <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/02/technology/02yahoo.html?ref=technology>
by Louise Story, New York Times
Yahoo will announce new tool for online advertising today that could pull the company ahead in the race for what is called "behavioral targeting," that is, the ability to better tailor online advertisements to the people most likely to buy.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** McDonald's Takes Paris <http://www.nysun.com/article/57654>
by Jacob Gershman, New York Sun
In this land of haute cuisine where American tourists are customarily greeted with Gallic scorn, the world's largest fast food company is more popular than ever.

**** The Books Of Albion By Pete Doherty <http://books.guardian.co.uk/digestedread/story/0,,2117260,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=10>
by John Crace, The Guardian
There is no narrative. Just an itinerary. Does thi smean something? Who cares? Not me. I've been given eough cash to get trashed for the next six months just for digging out some scraps of stoned ramblings, so I'm sorted.
I'm so deep.
Even when I'm asleep.

**** The Founding Immigrants <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/03/opinion/03davis.html>
by Kenneth C. Davis, New York Times
Disdain for what is foreign is, sad to say, as American as apple pie, slavery and lynching.

**** Ambiance Of Metro Might Take Sharp Turn <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/01/AR2007070101419.html?nav=most_emailed>
by Lena H. Sun, Washington Post
Metro's new general manager wants to get rid of the carpet in trains, brighten the lighting in stations and increase advertising in stations, trains and buses.
In many places, such mundane changes would be met with a shrug.
But this is the Washington area Metro, which has long prided itself on a dignified ambiance that is supposed to make it better than the average commuter system.

**** Largely Alone, Pioneers Reclaim New Orleans <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/02/us/nationalspecial/02orleans.html?ex=1341028800&en=2665cbc88e248d12&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Adam Nossiter, New York Times
The sound of hammers and saw. New green grass. A few freshly painted facades. Birdsong piping from a young tree.
This is the Gentilly neithborhood today, once a backbone of New Orleans and all but given up for dead less than a year ago after flooding from Hurricane Katrina turned it brown and gray and silent in 2005.


**** So Pathetic It Is Laughable <http://mollymeek.livejournal.com/159416.html>
by Mollymeek
Well, if you allow Molly to speculate, Molly will say that it effectively even if unintentionally sends a sinister message to NSmen. It tells people this: "With just one name, I can easily find out who you are. Still wanna write to the press to complain?"

**** Easy Money Is Not As Easy As They Think <http://bleongcw.typepad.com/simple_is_the_reason_of_m/2007/07/easy-money-is-n.html>
by Simple Is The Reason Of My Heart
If it was that easy in the first place, everyone would be rich.

**** Off Duty: Singapore <http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/travel/travel-news/article2731003.ece>
by Matthew Brace, Belfast Telegraph
The Lion City is re-inventing itself again to stay ahead of the Asia pack.

**** Singapore Urges Action As Dengue Hits Epidemic Level: Report <http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/07/03/asia/AS-MED-Singapore-Dengue-Outbreak.php>
by Associated Press
Health authorities in Singapore urged the public to step up efforts against mosquitoes as an outbreak of dengue fever hit epidemic levels for the second time in three weeks, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

**** Singapore's Fate Remains Linked To Region's Progress: Analysts <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporebusinessnews/view/285955/1/.html>
by Jeana Wong, Channel NewsAsia
While Singapore's economy has become structurally stronger, analysts said its fate remains intricately linked with that of its neighbours.

**** Economy Drive In The Public Sector For Fiscal Year 2006 <http://app.sprinter.gov.sg/data/pr/20070703998.htm>
by Ministry of Finance, Singapore Government

**** Special Rules For Some Shops? Nets To Be Quizzed <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/197862.asp>
by Today
The Competition Commission of Singapore plans to question Nets on their conditions for offering concession rates to some merchants.

The Shuffe by MyAppleMenu

**** Cut Me Loose <http://members.cox.net/thehusbands/>
by The Husbands
Click here to listen <http://members.cox.net/thehusbands/02%20Cut%20Me%20Loose.mp3>.

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