[Retros] Messigny 2014 retro solving contest

Joost de Heer joost at sanguis.xs4all.nl
Mon May 26 02:45:52 EDT 2014

On Sun, May 25, 2014 21:57, Thierry LE GLEUHER wrote:
> Dear retro friends
> The award of the Messigny retro composing tournament is now available on
> the Phenix web site :http://phenix-echecs.fr/Messigny/AFCE.php
> Award of h# composing tournament is also available.

My French isn't very good, but I think the definition of Shrink Chess in
the award is wrong, at least for the compositions used.

"Dans cette condition, pratiquée par les joueurs et déjà décrite par Boyer
en 1954, dès qu’une colonne ou une ligne du bord est vide, elle disparaît
définitivement et la partie se poursuit donc sur un échiquier rétréci."

As far as I know, only edge rows/columns are removed. And if I understand
the 3rd HM correctly, this happens recursively (if, after removing an
empty row, a new empty row appears at the edge, this row is removed too).

While in university in the '90s, we used to play the generalized form of
Shrink Chess: When the last piece of any row/line is removed, this
row/line is removed from the board. There was no recursiveness.


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