[Retros] February 24th Update of the Retro Corner

Otto Janko otto at janko.at
Wed Feb 24 15:48:46 EST 2010

Dear Retro Friend,

I have just updated the Retro Corner again:

- Die Schwalbe, No. 232, August 2008 (13820 fixed)
- Die Schwalbe, No. 232, August 2008 (solutions)
- Die Schwalbe, No. 233, October 2008 (13880 and 13888 fixed)
- Die Schwalbe, No. 233, October 2008 (solutions)
- Die Schwalbe, No. 234, December 2008 (solutions)
- Die Schwalbe, No. 235, February 2009
- Die Schwalbe, No. 235, February 2009 (solutions)
- Die Schwalbe, No. 236, April 2009
- Die Schwalbe, No. 236, April 2009 (solutions)
- Die Schwalbe, No. 237, June 2009
- Die Schwalbe, No. 237, June 2009 (solutions)
- Die Schwalbe, No. 238, August 2009
- Die Schwalbe, No. 239, October 2009
- Die Schwalbe, No. 240, December 2009

Many thanks Joost de Heer for posting the problenms on the RML!

I tried to incorporate all the comments, corrections and cooks posted on the
RML and hope I got it right and did not miss something.

Best Regards,

- Otto Janko [mailto:otto at janko.at] [http://www.janko.at]
-- Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
- will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. [Benjamin Franklin]

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