[Retros] PGs of the Future

raosorio at fibertel.com.ar raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
Mon Oct 27 20:05:50 EDT 2008

Hi friends,

To update this deal is becoming a hard job. Many thanks to Nicolas Dupont, Michel Caillaud and Jorge Lois for their support.

Preparing this I felt as to be in the time machine. All started during the 80s (I was so far from all of this that time!). I can Imagine Pronkin, Frolkin,
Heinonen, Caillaud, etc, composing these PGs while listening the Bee Gees.

Any further collaboration very wellcome.


Many typical PG’s tricks are related to home and promotion squares. For instance,

CF = Cerianni-Frolkin
PR = Pronkin
AP = Anti- Pronkin
SC = Schnoenbelen
SI = Sibling
GD = Gianni Donati 50th (a switchback from and to promotion square)
PC = Pawn circuit (a pawn promotes and get back to its homesquare)
SW = Switchback (from and to homesquare)

The compositional targets based on these have been largely increased during the last years in terms of duplication, eco, etc. We are focussing here in a
further well defined and challenging task: let’s X(A) be a double rendition of the “x” trick performed by two different pieces of type A, and Y(B) a
double rendition of the “y” trick performed by two different pieces of type B. Then, a PG showing both X(A) and Y(B) can be characterized as,

X(A) vs Y(B): each side performs one double trick
X(A) & Y(B): both double tricks are performed by the same side
X(A) mx Y(B): mix, each side performs one single “x” trick and one single “y” trick

Kostas Prentos suggested to name these as “PGs of the Future” (TFPG) in analogy to the Chris Feather's helpmates of the future (there are two phases in
these helpmates showing a couple of well defined strategies). Most of such PGs are of high quality andcertainly very challenging to compose. Let’s see
an example,

TFPG GD(N) vs SW(N) Satoshi Hashimoto / 8073 Feenschach 135 01-05/2000 1. Preis
1. c4 d5 2. c5 Dd6 3. c6 Sd7 4. cxb7 Db6 b8=S La6 6. Sc6 Td8 7. Sb8 Sxb8 8. f4 Td6 9. f5 Tg6 10. f6
e6 11. fxg7 Sf6 12. g8=S Lh6 13. Se7 Tf8 14. Sg8 Sxg8

This a good example to discuss the trick’s definition. After 7.SB8 and 14.Sg8 both knights performed a GD trick but since they were captured thereafter they
performed also a particular case of CF in the Kostas Prentos’ JT style (a promoted piece is captured by an officer). I’m proposing here a characterization
of this and other traditional PGs’ aspects in order to properly differentiate “similar” problems.

“PHANTOM”: the piece is captured on the thematic square leaving no obvious traces of that capture. This applies to all the tricks and is straightforward for
a Prentos’ capture but there is another special case when dealing with CF: cross captures by pawns are “phantom” too (see the subtle difference between the
Aschwanden and Dupont’s CF(B) & AP(B) problems). I’ll mark with “ph-“ the phantom tricks.

“SUPER FUTURE”: a nice concept suggested by Michel.. TFPG is “2” plus “2”. What about “3” plus “3” or “2” plus “2” plus “2”, etc? We have some examples in
the list.

“BONUS MARKS”: we have many examples showing “steps towards the super-future”, for instance a one side triple Bishop CF. I use + as a “bonus” mark,
indicating this case as CF(B+). In other cases, there is an additional piece of a different type showing the same trick. In this case I use the bonus
mark outside the brackets (for instance, CF(B)+ means that another piece of a different type than bishop makes a CF trick).

“HOME ASPECTS”: a) hb, as homebase b) hc, all the side’s pieces are on their homesquares (Homecircuit, from the Osorio & Frolkin ‘s article “There is no
place like home”, Strategems oct 2007); see Per Olin’s PG to realise the difference with hb c) off-, preceding hb or hc, means that this condition applies
to officers only.

“NON-STANDARD MATERIAL”: visible promoted force on the board, marked as “non-std mtl”.

THE DIAGONAL CASES (in analogy to a matrix representation). These would be the particular cases where: a) both double tricks are performed by pieces of the
same type (“type” diagonal) b) both tricks are of the same type (“trick” diagonal) c) both the tricks and the pieces are of the same type (diagonal-diagonal).

I’m presenting the list trying to keep some order (this deal is an N dimensional hell), starting with the diagonal cases; diagrams and positions are
included at the end (I left the SW/SW cases for the next updating; they will surely deserve further discussions).

CF(N) & CF(N)# Michel Caillaud / Thèmes-64 1982 1. Preis
ph-CF(N) & CF(N) hb Goran Wicklund / R248 Probleemblad 05-06/2004
ph-CF(N) & ph-CF(N) hb Nicolas.Dupont / StrateGems 43
CF(B) vs CF(B+) Dmitry Pronkin / 5th Pr., Europe-Echecs 1987-88 / FIDE Album 1986-1988
CF(B) & CF(B)+ Michel Caillaud / 421 Europe Echecs 295 07/1983
CF(B) & CF(B)+ non-std mtl Dmitrij Pronkin & Andrej Frolkin / Die Schwalbe 1985
CF(B) & CF(B) Michel Caillaud / British Chess Magazine 1993 Preis/ H36 FIDE Album 1992-1994
CF(B) & CF(B+) non-std mtl Unto Heinonen / Probleemblad 07/1997 1. Preis Olli Heimo gewidmet / H33 FIDE Album 1995-1997
CF(B) & CF(B) off-thb Goran Wicklund / R221 Probleemblad 12/2003
CF(R) vs CF(R) Dmitrij Pronkin / 5763v Die Schwalbe 103 02/1987 1. Preis
CF(R) & CF(R) non-std mtl Unto Heinonen / 3111 Probleemblad 06/1996 / H32 FIDE Album 1995-1997
CF(Q+) vs CF(Q) Unto Heinonen / 7644v Die Schwalbe 133 02/1992 (H31) Andrej Frolkin gewidmet / FIDE Album 1992-1994
CF(Q) & CF(Q) hb Nicolas Dupont / The Problemist 19-12 (nov 2004)
CF(Q) & CF(N) hb Nicolas Dupont / France Echecs oct 2008 / dedicated to Roberto Osorio on his 55 birthday

SI(R) & SI(R) Unto Heinonen / Springaren 1996 2. Preis/ H24 FIDE Album 1995-1997
PC(Q) & PC(Q) thc, non-std mtl Per Olin / Simo Ylikarjula 60 JT 2005 Preis
SI(R) & SI(N) non-std mtl M.Caillaud / Probleemblad 2001
CF(B) vs PR(B) Nicolas Dupont, Jorge Lois and Roberto Osorio / Dedicated to Mario Richter / Best Problems No.1867 - 2007
ph-CF(B) & AP(B) Nicolas Dupont / Orbit 39, 2008
CF(B) & ph-AP(B) Reto Aschwanden / Die Schwalbe 08/2005
PR(R) vs SI(R) Michel Caillaud 631 Europe Echecs 452 01/1997 Thierry Le Gleuher gewidmet/ FIDE Album 1995-1997
SW(B) vs CF(B) Michel Caillaud / StrateGems 2002 Preis
ph-GD(N) vs SW(N) Satoshi Hashimoto / 8073 Feenschach 135 01-05/2000 1. Preis
PR(R) & CF(N) Nicolas DuPont / The Problemist R402 2008 (cooked; a sound version is on the way)
PR(B) vs SI(R) Jorge Lois & Roberto Osorio/Dedicated to Andrey Frolkin/Die Schwalbe Feb 2007
CF(B) vs PR(Q) Michel Caillaud / R3 Problemesis 8 04/1999 1. Preis

CF(Q) mx CF(R) mx CF(N) Michel Caillaud / 593 Europe Echecs 427 10/1994 / H35 FIDE Album 1992-1994
SI(R) mx SW(N) mx SW(B) Roberto Osorio, Jorge Joaquin Lois & Oscar Cuasnicú / R230 Probleemblad 02/2004
SW(N) & SW(B) & SW(R) ++ non-std mtl Satoshi Hashimoto / R121 Problemesis 36 12/2003 1. ehrende Erwähnung
SW(N) vs (SW(N) & SW(B) & SW(R))++ non-std mtl Unto Heinonen / R069 Probleemblad 09/1999 / 1. Preis

I have some questions but please help me to find the cleverest ones.

- What about a case including a SC ? Is there any?

- Where is the obvious CF(N) vs CF(N)?

- There are surely some other CF(A) &/vs CF(B)

- There are surely many “mx” cases including at least one non SW trick

- Where are the other GD cases?

- Is a ph-PC(A) possible in a PG of the Future? The only trick of this type that I know is shown in the very good Gianni Donati’s 5628 problem,Phenix 172.

- Is “the perfect problem” ph-CF(B) & ph-AP(B) feasible? Note that Reto’s CF is half ph-

- Is any “3 plus 3” Super Future already done?

- Other Super Future examples?

CF(N) & CF(N)# Michel Caillaud / Thèmes-64 1982 1. Preis
1. a4 c5 2. a5 c4 3. a6 c3 4. axb7 a5 5. Ta4 Sa6 6. Tc4 a4 7. b4 a3 8. Lb2 a2 9. Sa3 a1=S 10. Sb5 Sb3 11. cxb3 c2 12. Le5 c1=S 13.
Lb8 Sd3+ 14. exd3 e5 15. Dg4 e4 16. Ke2 e3 17. Kf3 e2 18. Ke4 exf1=S 19. Sf3 Sg3+ 20. hxg3 h5 21. Te1 h4 22. Te2 h3 23. Se1 h2 24.
Dh3 h1=S 25. g4 Sg3+ 26. fxg3 Se7 27. Sd6#

ph-CF(N) & CF(N) hb Goran Wicklund / R248 Probleemblad 05-06/2004
1. h4 Sf6 2. h5 Sd5 3. h6 Sb6 4. hxg7 h5 5. gxf8=S h4 6. Sg6 fxg6 7. f4 Kf7 8. f5 Te8 9. f6 Ke6 10. f7 Kd5 11. f8=S Kc4 12. Se6 dxe6 13. b4 Dd4
14. b5 Dh8 15. d4 h3 16. d5 h2 17. d6 hxg1=S 18. d7 Sh3 19. d8=S Ld7 20. Sc6 Sc8 21. b6 bxc6 22. b7 c5 23. bxa8=S Lc6 24. Sb6+ axb6

ph-CF(N) & ph-CF(N) hb Nicolas.Dupont / StrateGems 43
1.Pb2-b4 Pe7-e5 2.Pb4-b5 Pe5-e4 3.Pb5-b6 Pe4-e3 4.Pb6xa7 Pb7-b5 5.Pa2-a4 Pb5-b4 6.Pa4-a5 Pb4-b3 7.Ta1-a4 Pb3-b2 8.Cb1-a3 Pb2-b1=C 9.Pa5-a6 Cb1-c3
10.Pd2xc3 Pe3xf2 11.Re1-d2 Pf7-f5 12.Pe2-e4 Pf5-f4 13.Ff1-c4 Pf4-f3 14.Rd2-e3 Pf2-f1=C 15.Re3-f4 Cf1-g3 16.Ph2xg3 Pd7-d5 17.Th1-h6 Pd5-d4
18.Th6-d6 Pd4-d3 19.Fc4-e6 Pd3-d2 20.Rf4-f5 Pd2xc1=C 21.Dd1-d4 Cc1-d3 22.Pc2xd3 Pf3-f2 23.Ca3-c2 Pf2xg1=C 24.Cc2-a1 Cg1-h3 25.gxh3

CF(B) vs CF(B+) Dmitry Pronkin / 5th Pr., Europe-Echecs 1987-88 / FIDE Album 1986-1988
1. b3 h5 2. La3 h4 3. Dc1 h3 4. Kd1 hxg2 5. h4 e5 6. h5 e4 7. h6 e3 8. h7 exf2 9. e4 f5 10. Se2 g1=L 11. Lg2 f1=L 12. e5 Lb6 13. d4 Lfc5
14. dxc5 f4 15. cxb6 f3 16. Df4 f2 17. Sc1 La6 18. Lc5 f1=L 19. a3 Lfb5 20. c4 Se7 21. cxb5 Tg8 22. hxg8=L g5 23. Lc4 d5 24. bxa6 Lf5
25. e6 Sc8 26. e7 Kf7 27. e8=L+ Kg8 28. Leb5 c6 29. Ta2 cxb5 30. Tc2 Sc6 31. Sa2 dxc4+

CF(B) & CF(B)+ Michel Caillaud / 421 Europe Echecs 295 07/1983
1. h4 c5 2. h5 c4 3. Th4 c3 4. Tc4 b5 5. g4 b4 6. Lg2 b3 7. Lc6 bxa2 8. b4 a5 9. b5 a4 10. b6 a3 11. La4 Sc6 12. b7 d5 13. b8=D d4 14. Dd6 d3
15. Dg6 dxc2 16. d3 fxg6 17. Ld2 c1=L 18. Db3 c2 19. La5 Lh6 20. Sd2 c1=L 21. Sf1 Lcg5 22. f4 Kf7 23. 0-0-0 a1=L 24. fxg5 a2 25. gxh6 Kf6 26.
Sh2 Kg5 27. Tf1 Lf6 28. Tff4 a1=L 29. Kb1 Lae5 30. d4 Lb7 31. dxe5 Dd2 32. exf6 Te8 33. f7 Sf6 34. Dd3 Sd7 35. Ld1 Scb8 36. Sgf3+

CF(B) & CF(B)+ non-std mtl Dmitrij Pronkin & Andrej Frolkin / Die Schwalbe 1985
1. a4 d5 2. a5 d4 3. a6 d3 4. axb7 dxc2 5. d4 a5 6. d5 a4 7. d6 a3 8. Dd5 axb2 9. Sd2 b1=L 10. Lb2 c1=L 11. Ta6 Lg6 12. e4 Lcf5 13. exf5 c5
14. fxg6 c4 15. gxh7 c3 16. Lc4 c2 17. Sf1 Lh6 18. Se2 c1=L 19. Sc3 Lcg5 20. f4 e5 21. fxg5 e4 22. gxh6 Dg5 23. d7+ Kd8 24. Tg6 Sc6 25.
b8=L e3 26. Lf4 e2 27. Kd2 e1=L+ 28. Kc1 Lh4 29. g3 Ld6 30. gxh4 Kc7 31. d8=L+ Kb8 32. Lf6 Lxf4+

CF(B) & CF(B) Michel Caillaud / British Chess Magazine 1993 Preis/ H36 FIDE Album 1992-1994
1. h4 Sa6 2. h5 Sc5 3. h6 Sa4 4. hxg7 h5 5. f4 h4 6. f5 Th5 7. f6 Sh6 8. g8=L Lg7 9. fxg7 f6 10. Lb3 h3 11. g8=L h2 12. Lgc4 d5 13. g4 dxc4
14. g5 cxb3 15. g6 bxa2 16. b3 Dd4 17. La3 Db2 18. g7 Dc1 19. g8=L Sb2 20. Ld5 e6 21. e4 exd5 22. e5 d4 23. e6 d3 24. e7 Le6 25. Kf2 Kd7
26. Dg4 Tg8 27. e8=L+ Kd8 28. Lb5 c6 29. Le2 cxb5 30. Ld1 b4 31. Se2 bxa3 32. Db4 Tg1 33. Sc3 Tf1+ 34. Kg2 dxc2 35. Tg1 Ld5+

CF(B) & CF(B+) non-std mtl Unto Heinonen / Probleemblad 07/1997 1. Preis Olli Heimo gewidmet / H33 FIDE Album 1995-1997
1. a4 h5 2. a5 h4 3. a6 h3 4. Ta5 hxg2 5. h4 Th6 6. h5 Tc6 7. h6 g5 8. h7 g4 9. Tg5 f5 10. h8=L f4 11. Le5 f3 12. Th8 fxe2 13. f4 g3 14.
Sf3 g1=L 15. Lg2 Lb6 16. Lh1 g2 17. f5 g1=L 18. f6 Lgc5 19. d4 d5 20. dxc5 Lh3 21. cxb6 Lf1 22. Tg2 Kf7 23. Lg3 Kg6 24. f7 Lh6 25. f8=L e5
26. Ld6 Dh4 27. Lg5 e4 28. Kd2 e1=L 29. Kc1 La5 30. Sc3 e3 31. Kb1 e2 32. Ka1 e1=L 33. De2 d4 34. De7 d3 35. Se2 Leb4 36. c3 d2 37. cxb4 d1=L
38. bxa5 La4 39. b3 Kh5 40. bxa4

CF(B) & CF(B) off-thb Goran Wicklund / R221 Probleemblad 12/2003
1. d4 Sf6 2. d5 Se4 3. d6 Sd2 4. dxc7 d5 5. a4 d4 6. a5 d3 7. a6 Dd4 8. axb7 a5 9. bxc8=L a4 10. Lg4 a3 11. c8=L a2 12. Lcf5 e6 13. c4 exf5
14. c5 fxg4 15. c6 g3 16. c7 gxh2 17. c8=L Kd8 18. Lh3 Sd7 19. b4 Tc8 20. b5 Tc2 21. b6 Lc5 22. b7 Kc7 23. e4 Tc8 24. bxc8=L Sb6 25. Lcg4 f5
26. e5 fxg4 27. e6 gxh3

CF(R) vs CF(R) Dmitrij Pronkin / 5763v Die Schwalbe 103 02/1987 1. Preis
1. d4 c5 2. d5 c4 3. d6 c3 4. dxe7 d5 5. e4 Kd7 6. e8=T d4 7. Te6 d3 8. Tb6 axb6 9. e5 Kc6 10. e6 Dd6 11. e7 Le6 12. e8=T Lb3 13. Te6 Le7 14.
Tg6 hxg6 15. cxb3 Th3 16. Dh5 d2+ 17. Ke2 d1=T 18. gxh3 Td3 19. Sd2 Tg3 20. Sdf3 c2 21. Ld2 c1=T 22. fxg3 Tc4 23. Td1 Th4 24. gxh4 Sf6

CF(R) & CF(R) non-std mtl Unto Heinonen / 3111 Probleemblad 06/1996 / H32 FIDE Album 1995-1997
1. h4 a5 2. h5 a4 3. h6 Ta5 4. hxg7 h5 5. Th3 h4 6. Ta3 h3 7. g4 h2 8. g5 h1=S 9. g6 Tg5 10. f4 Tg2 11. f5 Sg3 12. 12. f6 Th1 13. fxe7 f5 14.
Sh3 Sf6 15. g8=T Sa6 16. g7 Kf7 17. e8=T Lc5 18. Te5 Lg1 19. Ta5 b5 20. e4 Lb7 21. e5 Da8 22. Tb8 Le4 23. Tb6 cxb6 24. g8=T bxa5 25. Tg4 fxg4
26. e6+ Kg6 27. e7 Sf5 28. e8=T Se7 29. Tc8 Se8 30. Tc6 dxc6 11. f5 Sg3 12. f6 Th1 13. fxe7 f5 14. Sh3 Sf6 15. g8=T Sa6 16. g7 Kf7 17. e8=T Lc5
18. Te5 Lg1 19. Ta5 b5 20. e4 Lb7 21. e5 Da8 22. Tb8 Le4 23. Tb6 cxb6 24. g8=T bxa5 25. Tg4 fxg4 26. e6+ Kg6 27. e7 Sf5 28. e8=T Se7 29. Tc8 Se8
30. Tc6+ dxc6

CF(Q+) vs CF(Q) Unto Heinonen / 7644v Die Schwalbe 133 02/1992 (H31) Andrej Frolkin gewidmet / FIDE Album 1992-1994
1.a4 h5 2.a5 Th6 3.a6 Tc6 4.axb7 a5 5.f4 Sa6 6.b8=D a4 7.Db4 a3 8.Dd6 a2 9.Sa3 exd6 10.Tb1 a1=D 11.b4 Dc3 12.b5 Dg3 13.hxg3
Le7 14. Th4 Lg5 15. Tg4 h4 16. b6 h3 17.b7 h2 18.b8=D h1=D 19.Db3 Dh7 20.De6+ fxe6 21.f5 Kf7 22.f6 Kg6 23.f7 Kh5 24.f8=D Dd3 25.
Df3 Lf4 26.Dd5+ exd5 27.exd3

CF(Q) & CF(Q) hb Nicolas Dupont / The Problemist 19-12 (nov 2004)
1.Pa2-a4 Cg8-f6 2. Pa4-a5 Cf6-d5 3.Pa5-a6 Cd5-b6 4.Pa6xb7 Pa7-a5 5.Pc2-c4 Pa5-a4 6. Pc4-c5 Ta8-a5 7.Pc5-c6 Cb8-a6 8.Pb7-b8=D Cb6-a8
9. Db8-b4 Fc8-b7 10.Db4-d6 Pc7xd6 11.Pc6-c7 Fb7-e4 12.Pc7-c8=D Fe4-f5 13.Dc8-c3 Dd8-c8 14.Dc3-f6 Pg7xf6 15. Pb2-b4 Ff8-h6 16.Pb4-b5 Fh6-e3
17.Pb5-b6 Ph7-h6 18.Pb6-b7 Fe3-b6 19.Pb7-b8=D Fb6-d8 20.Db8-b3 Ca6-c7 21.Db3-e6 Pd7xe6 22.Pg2-g4 Re8-d7 23.Pg4-g5 Rd7-c6 24.Pg5-g6 Rc6-d5 25.
Pg6-g7 Rd5-e4 26.Pg7-g8=D Ta5-d5 27.Dg8-g3 Th8-g8 28.Dg3-e5 Pf6xe5

CF(Q) & CF(N) hb Nicolas Dupont / France Echecs oct 2008 / dedicated to Roberto Osorio on his 55 birthday
1.Ph2-h4 Pf7-f5 2.Ph4-h5 Pf5-f4 3.Ph5-h6 Pf4-f3 4.Ph6xg7 Ph7-h5 5.Pb2-b4 Ph5-h4 6.Pb4-b5 Ph4-h3 7.Pb5-b6 Ph3-h2 8.Pb6xa7 Pb7-b5 9.Cg1-h3 Pb5-b4
10.Th1-g1 Ph2-h1=C 11.Pg2-g4 Ch1-g3 12.Pf2xg3 Pb4-b3 13.Re1-f2 Pb3-b2 14.Rf2-e3 Pf3-f2 15.Ff1-g2 Pf2-f1=D
16.Cb1-c3 Df1-f5 17.Ch3-f2 Df5-d3 18.Pe2xd3 Pb2-b1=C 19.Cc3-e2 Cb1-c3 20.Pd2xc3 Pe7-e5 21.Fc1-d2 Pe5-e4
22.Re3-d4 Pe4-e3 23.Ce2-c1 Pe3-e2 24.Cf2-h1 Pe2-e1=D 25.Dd1-f3 De1-e6 26.Fd2-e1 De6-c4 27.Pd3xc4

SI(R) & SI(R) Unto Heinonen / Springaren 1996 2. Preis/ H24 FIDE Album 1995-1997
r5kr/1p1pnp2/1pn1p1p1/2p5/2B1P3/3QP1P1/1BN1NPP1/R1K4R / PG 19.0
1.b4 c5 2. b5 Dc7 3. b6 Dg3 4. hxg3 h6 5. Txh6 axb6 6. Tc6 Txa2 7. Sa3 Txc2 8. Lb2 Tc4 9. Sc2 Tch4 10.
e4 g6 11. Lc4 Lh6 12. Se2 Le3 13. dxe3 e6 14. Dd3 Se7 15. 0-0-0 0-0 16. Txc8 Sc6 17. Ta8 Th8 18. Ta1 Ta8 19. Th1 Sb8

PC(Q) & PC(Q) thc, non-std mtl Per Olin / Simo Ylikarjula 60 JT 2005 Preis
1.h4 Sh6 2.h5 Sf5 3.h6 Sc6 4.hxg7 h5 5.g8D Th6 6.Dg3 Te6 7.Dh2 Lh6 8.g4 Kf8 9.g5 Kg7 10.g6 Kf6 11.g7 h4 12.g8D h3 13.Dgg2 Dg8 14.a4 Dg3 15.a5 Ke5
16.a6 Kd4 17.axb7 a6 18.b8D Sa7 19.Db3 Tb8 20.Da2 Tb5 21.b4 Tbe5 22.b5 Lb7 23.b6 Lf3 24.b7 Lh5 25.b8D Lg6 26.Dbb2+

SI(R) & SI(N) non-std mtl M.Caillaud / Probleemblad 2001
rn1R2nr/1ppbkpp1/1RBpp3/6qp/R1K3PQ/b1N2N2/P1P1PP1P/2B5 / PG 21.0
1.b4 Sf6 2.b5 Se4 3.b6 Sxd2 4.bxa7 Sb3 5.Dd4 h5 6.Dh4 Th6 7.g4 Ta6 8.Lg2 e6 9.Lc6 La3 10.Sf3 Sc5 11.Kd2 Dg5+
12.Kc3 Ke7 13.Td1 d6 14.Td4 Sbd7 15.Ta4 Sf6 16.Kc4 Ld7 17.Sc3 Th8 18.a8=T Sg8 19.Td8 Ta8 20.Tb1 Sa6 21.Tb6 Sb8

CF(B) vs PR(B) Nicolas Dupont, Jorge Lois and Roberto Osorio / Dedicated to Mario Richter / Best Problems No.1867 - 2007
rnbqkb2/pp6/Q6n/2p3BP/2PP3p/1pNP4/PP2B3/RNK4R / PG 25.0
1.h4 e5 2.h5 e4 3.h6 e3 4.hxg7 h5 5.f4 h4 6.f5 Rh5 7.f6 Nh6 8.g8=B Bg7 9.fxg7 f5 10.Bb3 f4 11.g8=B f3 12.Bc4 d5 13.d4 dxc4 14.Qd3 cxb3 15.Qa6 Bf5
16.c4 Bd3 17.exd3 e2 18.Bg5 f2+ 19.Kd2 e1=B+ 20.Kc1 Bb4 21.Ne2 Bf8 22.Nc3 c5 23.Be2 f1=B 24.g4 Bh3 25.gxh5 Bc8

ph-CF(B) & AP(B) Nicolas Dupont / Orbit 39, 2008
1. Pf2-f4 Pb7-b5 2. Pf4-f5 Fc8-b7 3. Pf5-f6 Dd8-c8 4. Pf6xg7 Pf7-f5 5. Pc2-c4 Cg8-f6 6. Pg7-g8=F Ff8-h6 7. Pc4-c5 Re8-f8 8. Fg8-b3
Th8-g8 9. Pc5-c6 Tg8-g6 10.Pc6xd7 Pc7-c5 11. Pd7-d8=F Pc5-c4 12. Fd8-b6 Pa7xb6 13. Re1-f2 Ta8-a3 14. Fb3-a4 Ta3-h3 15. Pd2-d3 Pb5xa4
16. Fc1-f4 Pa4-a3 17. Ff4-c7 Fh6-d2 18. Pg2-g3 Pf5-f4 19. Ff1-g2 Dc8-g4 20. Fg2-d5 Cb8-d7 21. Fd5-g8 Cf6-d5 22. Fc7-d8.

CF(B) & ph-AP(B) Reto Aschwanden / Die Schwalbe 08/2005
1. h4 d5 2. h5 d4 3. Th4 d3 4. Sh3 dxc2 5. d4 a5 6. Dd2 a4 7. Dg5 a3 8. Le3 c1=L 9. f4 Ld2+ 10. Sxd2 axb2 11. Sf3 b1=L 12. Sh2 Lg6 13. f5 e5 14.
fxg6 Lf5 15. 0-0-0 Lb1 16.Kxb1 e4 17. Txe4+ Kd7 18. g4 La3 19. Lg2 Lc1 20. Txc1 Kc8

PR(R) vs SI(R) Michel Caillaud 631 Europe Echecs 452 01/1997 Thierry Le Gleuher gewidmet/ FIDE Album 1995-1997
rn2k1nr/1pp2pp1/qp1p4/2b5/5P2/2Kp2p1/1PP1PP2/RNBQ1BNR / PG 21.0
1. a4 h5 2. Ta3 h4 3. Tg3 hxg3 4. d3 Th4 5. Kd2 Tb4 6. h4 e5 7. h5 Dh4 8. h6 Dc4
9. h7 e4 10. Th6 exd3 11. Tb6 axb6 12. h8=T Ta5 13. Th1 Th5 14. a5 Lc5 15. a6 d6
16. a7 Lg4 17. a8=T Lf3 18. Ta1 Ta4 19. gxf3 Ta8 20. f4 Da6 21. Kc3 Th8

SW(B) vs CF(B) Michel Caillaud / StrateGems 2002 Preis
1. h4 d5 2. Th3 d4 3. Tc3 d3 4. a4 dxc2 5. d4 g5 6. Dd3 g4 7. Lh6 c1=L 8. Df3 Lg5
9. hxg5 e5 10. g6 e4 11. Lc1 e3 12. Kd1 exf2 13. e3 Sd7 14. La6 f1=L 15. Ke1 Lb5
16. axb5 Sc5 17. b6 Se6 18. Lf1

ph-GD(N) vs SW(N) Satoshi Hashimoto / 8073 Feenschach 135 01-05/2000 1. Preis
1. c4 d5 2. c5 Dd6 3. c6 Sd7 4. cxb7 Db6 b8=S La6 6. Sc6 Td8 7. Sb8 Sxb8 8. f4 Td6 9. f5 Tg6 10. f6 e6
11. fxg7 Sf6 12. g8=S Lh6 13. Se7 Tf8 14. Sg8 Sxg8

PR(R) & CF(N) Nicolas DuPont / The Problemist R402 2008
Cooked version. A sound one is on the way.

PR(B) vs SI(R) Jorge Lois & Roberto Osorio/Dedicated to Andrey Frolkin/Die Schwalbe Feb 2007
rn2qkbr/4pp1n/1p4p1/bp1p2p1/2PQP3/1P3N2/2PN1PP1/2BRRBK1 / PG 26.51.e4,a6 2.Bb5,axb5 3.h4,Ra3 5.h5,Rh3 6.a4,c5 6.a5,c4 7.a6,c3 8.dxc3,h6 9.Bg5,hxg5
10.h7,Rh6 11.a8=B,Ra6 12.h6,b6 13.Bd5,Ra8 14.Bc4,d5 15.h7,Bf5 16.h8=B,Bh717.Nf3,g5 18.0-0,Bg7 19.Re1,Kf8 20.Bf1,Qe8 21.c4,Bc3 22.b3,Ba5 23.Bb2,Nf6
24.Qd4,Bg8 25.Nd2,Rh8 26.Rd1,Nh7 27.Bc1

CF(B) vs PR(Q) Michel Caillaud / R3 Problemesis 8 04/1999 1. Preis
1. d4 c5 2. d5 c4 3. d6 c3 4. dxe7 cxb2 5. Sc3 b1=D 6. exd8=L Db6 7. Lh4 Dd8 8.
Sa4 b5 9. c4 b4 10. c5 b3 11. c6 b2 12. c7 b1=D 13. cxd8=L Db6 14. L8g5 f6 15. g4 fxg5 16. Lh3 gxh4 17. g5 Dd8
------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CF(Q) mx CF(R) mx CF(N) Michel Caillaud / 593 Europe Echecs 427 10/1994 / H35 FIDE Album 1992-1994
1. h4 e5 2. h5 e4 3. h6 e3 4. hxg7 h5 5. g4 h4 6. g5 h3 7. g6 h2 8. Sh3 Sh6 9. Tg1 h1=D 10. g8=S Dc6 11. Se7 Dc3 12. Sc6 dxc6 13. g7 Lg4
14. g8=D f5 15. Db3 D8d3 16. Db6 axb6 17. dxc3 Ta4 18. Sd2 Da6 19. Sf3 exf2+ 20. Kd2 Sf7 21. e4 Sd8 22. Le2 f1=T 23. Se1 Tf4 24. e5 Tb4
25. e6 f4 26. e7 Kf7 27. e8=T f3 28. Te5 f2 29. Tb5 f1=S+ 30. Kd3 Sd2 31. cxb4 Sb3 32. cxb3 cxb5 33. bxa4

SI(R) mx SW(N) mx SW(B) Roberto Osorio, Jorge Joaquin Lois & Oscar Cuasnicú / R230 Probleemblad 02/2004
1. g3 Sa6 2. Lg2 Tb8 3. Lc6 bxc6 4. Sf3 Tb3 5. 0-0 Ta3 6. bxa3 e6 7. Lb2 Le7 8. Ld4 Lh4 9. Sc3 Dg5 10. Tb1 Se7 11. Tb8 0-0
12. Db1 Lb7 13. Te8 Sg6 14. Te7 Ta8 15. Te8+ Sf8 16. Td8 Lc8 17. Db7 Db5 18. Ta1 Db1+ 19. Se1 Dd1 20. Sb1 Sb8 21. Lb2 a6 22. Lc1

SW(N) & SW(B) & SW(R) ++ non-std mtl Satoshi Hashimoto / R121 Problemesis 36 12/2003 1. ehrende Erwähnung
1. c3 h5 2. Da4 Sh6 3. Dc6 bxc6 4. g4 Lb7 5. g5 Dc8 6. g6 Kd8 7. gxf7 g6 8. d4 Lg7 9. Sd2 Te8 10. f8=T a6 11. Tf6 Th8
12. Sb3 Sg8 13. Lh6 Ke8 14. e3 Dd8 15. Lxa6 Lc8 16. Lb7 Txa2 17. 0-0-0 Ta8 18. Kb1 Sa6 19. Ka1 Lf8 20. Tb1 Sb8+

SW(N) vs (SW(N) & SW(B) & SW(R))++ non-std mtl Unto Heinonen / R069 Probleemblad 09/1999 / 1. Preis
rnbqkbnr/5p2/4pQ2/R1p5/1QRB4/2Q2Pr1/P1PP3P/rNB1K1N11. g4 c5 2. g5 Sc6 3. g6 Tb8 4. gxh7 g5 5. Sf3 Lh6 6. Tg1 Kf8 7. Tg4 De8 8. Tc4 g4
9. e4 g3 10. e5 g2 11. e6 g1=T 12. exd7 Tg3 13. d8=D Lh3 14. b4 Lxf1 15. b5 Lh3 16. b6 Lc8 17. bxa7 e6 18. a8=D Sge7 19. Da4 Thg8 20.
h8=L Ta8 21. Ld4 Th8 22. Sa3 Sg8 23. Df6 Dd8 24. Tb1 Ke8 25. Tb5 Lf8 26. Ta5 b5 27. Sg1 b4 28. Ddf3 b3 29. Db4 b2 30. Dfb3 b1=T 31.
f3 Ta1 32. Sb1 Sb8

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