[Retros] Retro_snippets_001 - Schnoebelen Promotion

Mario Richter mri_two at t-online.de
Wed Dec 17 00:43:53 EST 2008

Dear Retrofans,

more and more chess problem sources have been digitized
and are now available to a broader public.

Sometimes one can fill gaps in the knowledge about certain
chess problem aspects (Valery Liskovets' article about
forced e.p. in 'Die Schwalbe', October 2008 is a good example),
sometimes even some surprising new facts can be discovered.

So here is one, which is about 'Schnoebelen promotions'.

Our Retro Wiki (http://retrowiki.janko.at/index.php/Schnoebelen )
gives the following definition:

"A promotee is captured on its promotion square
without having moved after the promotion."

The Wiki doesn't explain, why it is named 'Schnoebelen'.

The answer is simple:
It is named after Philippe Schnoebelen, who has introduced this
idea in the area of Proof Games.

In his own words:
(s. http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~phs/perso.php )

"I invented what is now called 'The Schnoebelen Promotion Theme'
in chess problems.
Rather than describe the theme and spoil all the fun, I'd rather
let you solve the following puzzle:

Ph. Schnoebelen
Probleemblad 09/1996

a b c d e f g h

| |*n |*n | B | |*r | | . | 8


| . | |*p |*p | . |*p | . | | 7


| | . | |*k | | . | | . | 6


|*p | | . | | . | | . |*p | 5


| | . |*q | . | | . | | Q | 4


| . | | . | | P | |*p |*r | 3


| | P | P | . | | P | P | P | 2


| R | N | . | | K | B | N | R | 1 (14+12)

a b c d e f g h


Invent a legal chess game that reaches the above position
just after Black's 15th move. "

So far Philippe about his idea.

[Interestingly, in a comment to the solution
(presented at problem 3075 at
the theme is explained as "Hyper-Frolkin theme where Frolkin
promotees do not move at all between promotion and capture."]

But as already Johann Wolfgang von Goethe knew:
(Faust. Part II)
Original, fahr hin in deiner Pracht! -
Wie würde dich die Einsicht kränken:
Wer kann was Dummes, wer was Kluges denken,
Das nicht die Vorwelt schon gedacht! -

Go forth in splendour, you primal man! -
How could insight harm you, ever:
Who can think of stupid things or clever,
That past ages didn't, long ago, understand.

(and of course Goethe too was anticipated, e.g. by
Publius Terentius Afer, ~185-159 B.C.: "Nullumst iam
dictum quod non sit dictum prius." [Nothing is ever
said that has not been said before.]).

When studying the August 1948 issue of the
'Fairy Chess Review' (Vol.7 No.1, available at
I came across the following short article in the section
"5-Minute Papers" (page 94):

## Start of quotation #######################################

The captured promoted piece never moved
By Dr. Ing. L.Ceriani, Milan

Here is a quite new, and I believe very difficult
idea in retrograde analysis. It is required to show
in the retro developement of a position that a Pawn
has promoted to a definite piece, has stood unmoved
as the piece for at least one turn, and has dis-
appeared captured on the promotion square. The
difficulty lies in the second condition mainly, for
if the capture were immediate nothing could deter-
mine the nature of the piece. After prolonged
research, I obtained Nos. 7743-4.

No. 7743


| | . |*n | R | R | N | |*n | 8


| . |*k | N |*p | K | P | P | P | 7


|*r | P |*b | P |*p |*p |*p |*p | 6


|*p |*p | . |*p | . | | . | P | 5


| | . | | . | | . | | . | 4


| . | | . | | . | | . | | 3


| P | . | | . | | . | | . | 2


| . | | . | | . | | . | | 1 (12+13)

a b c d e f g h


No. 7744


| | K | |*q | |*b | | . | 8


|*n |*p | Q |*p |*k | P | P | | 7


|*r | P | B | R |*p |*r |*p | . | 6


|*p |*p | . |*p | . |*p | . | | 5


| | . | | . | | . | | . | 4


| . | | . | | . | | . | | 3


| P | . | | P | | P | | . | 2


| . | | . | | . | | . | | 1 (10+14)

a b c d e f g h


What were the last moves in each of these?

[... solution omitted in case you want do it for
yourself. If you have difficulties in finding the
solutions, see Henrik Juel's analysis in the PDB:

The theme is not very fruitful: I think it is
impossible to use a Q as theme piece, but I hope the
R may be used. Another possibility is later defer-
ment of the capture.

## End of quotation #######################################

As the developement shows, Ceriani was at least partially
wrong with his assumptions.

The theme is very fruitful, Rooks can be the thematical piece too
(e.g. www.softdecc.de/pdb/search.pdb?expression=PROBID='P1067871'),
and using fairy conditions, both unique immediate captures and
even Schnoebelen Queens have been presented, for the latter s. e.g.

Kostas Prentos & Andrey Frolkin
Eteroscacco 1/2007
1. Honourable Mention
SPG 16.5, Multicapture Chess

|*r |*n |*b |*q |*k |*b |*n |*r | 8


|*p |*p |*p |*p |*p | | . | | 7


| | . | | . | | . | | . | 6


| P | | . | | . | | . | P | 5


| | . | | P | | R | | R | 4


| . | | . | | N | | . | N | 3


| | P | | . | | K | | . | 2


| . | | . | | . | | B | B | 1 (11+13)

a b c d e f g h


(s. http://www.eteroscacco.it/esp/verdetti_0607.html#vret )

Some open questions:

- Which was the very first PG showing a Schnoebelen promotion?

- And which was the very first PG showing a Schnoebelen Queen?

- Using fairy conditions, has a Schnoebelen-AUW already been

- Longest move difference between promotion and capture?

- What was the outcome of the Thematical Tourney, announced by
L.Ceriani in the above quoted FCR article?
(F.C.R. 13th TOURNEY, closing date: 31. December 1948)

- should the Theme more correctly be called
"Ceriani-Hyper-Frolkin-Schnoebelen-Promotion"? :-)

Best regards,


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