[Retros] StrateGems 40, Oct-Dec 2007

CAILLAUDM at aol.com CAILLAUDM at aol.com
Mon Oct 22 17:54:15 EDT 2007

Hello Goran,

Yes, I found a different retro-play and yours is a cook. Well done! At
least, my "advertisement" served to produce this cook quickly and hopefully the
composer can find a way to correct as soon as possible...


Dans un e-mail daté du 22/10/2007 12:56:27 Europe de l'Ouest,
goran.wicklund at ericsson.com a écrit :

Is R01414 really sound? In my solution, not all moves are
precisely determined, there are some small variations possible,
and I only get 60 "almost" determined moves.

Start with this position:


| | . | |*B | R |*Q | B |*Q |


|*P |*P |*P | R |*N |*B |*N |*P |


| | . | |*P |*P | K | | . |


| . | | . | | . |*P | . | |


| | . | | . | | . |*K | P |


| . | | . | | . |*R | N | |


| P | P | P | . | P | P | P | B |


| . | | . | | . | B | N | |


Last move was bRf3 but it could have moved from 6 different squares, so I do
consider this move to be part of the solution, hence my 60 moves instead of

and continue:

1.exf3+ Kf4 2.Bd3 b6 3.Be4 fxe4 4.a3 e3 5.a4 e2 6.a5 e1=Q 7.a6 Qa5 8.c3 Qh5
9.c4 Qg4 1
0.Ne4+ Qg3 11.Ng5 Bg6+ 12.Nf7 Be4 13.c5 Bb7 14.axb7 b5 15.b8=N b4 16.Nc6
17.Ne7 Nb6 18.cxb6 b3 19.b7 a5 20.b8=Q a4 21.Qb5 a3 22.Qd3 a2 23.Qg6 Nf5+
24.Qg7 Nd4
25.h5 Nb5 26.h6 Na3 27.bxa3 b2 28.a4 b1=Q 29.a5 Qb8 30.a6 Bxe7+

= final position.

There are some small variations possible in move 14.5 (a5 instead of b5,
and follow on moves)
and also in move 24.5 Ne3 instead of Nd4 and then 25.5 Nc2 or c4.

Here is a proof game (not very efficient) leading up to the starting
position above:

1.h4 g5 2.Rh3 g4 3.Rf3 Nc6 4.Rf6 e6 5.d4 Ke7 6.Qd3 Kd6 7.Qh3 gxh3 8.d5 Ke5
9.d6 Ke4 10.Bf4 Nh6 11.Na3 Bg7 12.Rd1 Re8 13.Rd5 Re7 14.dxe7 Qh8 15.e8=B Bf8
16.Rg6 Be7 17.Rdg5 f5 18.Rg8 h2 19.Bf7 h1=Q 20.Rd8 d6 21.Kd2 Bd7 22.Bh5 Qh3
23.Rf8 Qg3 24.Rf6 Rg8 25.Rf8 Rg6 26.Rd8 Be8 27.Rd7 Rf6 28.Rg8 Bf7 29.Re8 Qgg8
30.Bh2 Bd8 31.Nc4 Kd5 32.Ke3 Rg6 33.Kf4 Rg3 34.Nd2 Qf8 35.Ree7 Be8 36.Bf7 Ng4
37.Bg8 Nf6 38.Ne4 Rf3+ 39.Kg5 Nh5 40.Ng3 Bf7 41.Nh1 Ng7 42.Kh6 Ke4 43.Re8 Ne7
44.Kg5 Rc3 45.Kf6 Rb3 46.Ng3+ Kf4 47.Nh5++ Kg4 48.Ng3 Rf3

Best regards,
Göran Wicklund

From: retros-bounces at janko.at [mailto:retros-bounces at janko.at] On Behalf Of
CAILLAUDM at aol.com
Sent: den 22 oktober 2007 00:53
To: retros at janko.at
Subject: Re: [Retros] StrateGems 40, Oct-Dec 2007


Late reaction, as before Rhodes's meeting, I had no time to study the
problems; but it is worth underlining that R0141, presented as a "nice orthodox
retro", is simply one of the most fantastic retros of all times, pulverizing in
a brillant manner the famous, more than 65-years standing, record by Hugo
August, Die Schwalbe 1941 (in 54 moves).
If you have time to study only one problem in the year, choose this one!


Dans un e-mail daté du 27/09/2007 22:38:45 Europe de l'Ouest,
joost at sanguis.xs4all.nl a écrit :

R0141 - Dmitri Baibikov
1q2RqBq/2pRbSQp/P2ppK1P/8/5k5Pq1/p4PPB/6S1 (13+11)

| |*Q | | . | R |*Q | B |*Q |


| . | |*P | R |*B | S | Q |*P |


| P | . | |*P |*P | K | | P |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | |*K | | . |


| . | | . | | . | P |*Q | |


|*P | . | | . | | P | P | B |


| . | | . | | . | | S | |

Last 61 single moves?

P0213 - Jorge J. Lois
rsbqkbsr/pppp1ppp/8/8/P7/KB6/QPP1P1RP/1SB3R1 (12+15)

|*R |*S |*B |*Q |*K |*B |*S |*R |


|*P |*P |*P |*P | . |*P |*P |*P |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| P | . | | . | | . | | . |


| K | B | . | | . | | . | |


| Q | P | P | . | P | . | R | P |


| . | S | B | | . | | R | |

PG in 14.0 moves (C+)

P0214 - Jorge J. Lois, Roberto Osorio
2s5/2ps2kp/4b1p1/3p1pr1/8/8/rPPPPqPP/RSBQKBSR (14+12)

| | . |*S | . | | . | | . |


| . | |*P |*S | . | |*K |*P |


| | . | | . |*B | . |*P | . |


| . | | . |*P | . |*P |*R | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


|*R | P | P | P | P |*Q | P | P |


| R | S | B | Q | K | B | S | R |

PG in 15.0 moves (C+)

P0215 - Roberto Osorio
rsb2rqb/pppp4/6p1/7p/6s1/7k/PPPPPPSP/RSBQKBSR (16+14)

|*R |*S |*B | . | |*R |*Q |*B |


|*P |*P |*P |*P | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | | . |*P | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . |*P |


| | . | | . | | . |*S | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . |*K |


| P | P | P | P | P | P | S | P |


| R | S | B | Q | K | B | S | R |

PG in 15.5 moves (C+)

P0216 - Roberto Osorio, Jorge J. Lois
rsbqkbsr/pppppppp/2R5/2Q5/3P2K1/5P2/1PPSB1PP/4BS2 (13+16)

|*R |*S |*B |*Q |*K |*B |*S |*R |


|*P |*P |*P |*P |*P |*P |*P |*P |


| | . | R | . | | . | | . |


| . | | Q | | . | | . | |


| | . | | P | | . | K | . |


| . | | . | | . | P | . | |


| | P | P | S | B | . | P | P |


| . | | . | | B | S | . | |

PG in 16.0 moves (C+)

P0217 - Roberto Osorio, Jorge J. Lois
7r/pppb2pp/2s5/qk2p3/1s6/4r3/PPPbPPPP/RSBQKBSR (15+14)

| | . | | . | | . | |*R |


|*P |*P |*P |*B | . | |*P |*P |


| | . |*S | . | | . | | . |


|*Q |*K | . | |*P | | . | |


| |*S | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | |*R | | . | |


| P | P | P |*B | P | P | P | P |


| R | S | B | Q | K | B | S | R |

PG in 17.0 moves (C+)

P0218 - Noam D. Elkies
1s2r1s1/1pp1p2p/3p1pp1/p4rbk/3QB3/1PS3Pb/P1PPPP1P/RqB1K1SR (16+16)

| |*S | | . |*R | . |*S | . |


| . |*P |*P | |*P | | . |*P |


| | . | |*P | |*P |*P | . |


|*P | | . | | . |*R |*B |*K |


| | . | | Q | B | . | | . |


| . | P | S | | . | | P |*B |


| P | . | P | P | P | P | | P |


| R |*Q | B | | K | | S | R |

PG in 20.5 moves (C+)

P0219 - René J. Millour
A: rsb3sk/1ppppp1p/8/8/8/8/PPP2RRP/RS6 (8+11)
B: 5r2/8/p7/6B1/2B1P3/8/4S3/3qK2R (6+3)
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

|*R |*S |*B | . | | . |*S |*K | | | . | | . | |*R | | . |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| . |*P |*P |*P |*P |*P | . |*P | | . | | . | | . | | . | |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| | . | | . | | . | | . | |*P | . | | . | | . | | . |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| . | | . | | . | | . | | | . | | . | | . | | B | |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| | . | | . | | . | | . | | | . | B | . | P | . | | . |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| . | | . | | . | | . | | | . | | . | | . | | . | |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| P | P | P | . | | R | R | P | | | . | | . | S | . | | . |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| R | S | . | | . | | . | | | . | | . |*Q | K | | . | R |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
PG in 21.0 moves (C?)
Alice Chess
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