[Retros] shortest proofgames of castling switchback

Noam Elkies elkies at math.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 17 17:28:17 EDT 2007

NDE> change the sequence 12 Re3 Qf3 13 Bh2 Qh3 14 g3 to
NDE> 12 Rg3 Qf3 13 Rg5 Qh5 14 g4, giving this diagram:

MR> This still doesn't work, the position can be reached
MR> without black 0-0:

MR> 1.a2-a4 g7-g6 2.Ra1-a3 b7-b6 3.Ra3-h3 Bf8-g7 4.b2-b3 [...]

Argh -- so the extra move b3 at the end can't be entirely random.
Let's try Kf1 instead:

r Q B . k . . r hg-19.0
p . p p p p . p
n p . . . n p R
. b . . b . R q
P . . . . B P P
. . . P . . . .
. P P . P P . .
. N . . . K N . 16+16

NDE 17.vii.07

--Noam D. Elkies

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