[Retros] shortest proofgames of castling switchback

Mario Richter mri_two at t-online.de
Tue Jul 17 16:57:03 EDT 2007

> change the sequence 12 Re3 Qf3 13 Bh2 Qh3 14 g3 to

> 12 Rg3 Qf3 13 Rg5 Qh5 14 g4, giving this diagram:


> r Q B . k . . r hg-19.0

> p . p p p p . p

> n p . . . n p R

> . b . . b . R q

> P . . . . B P P

> . P . P . . . .

> . . P . P P . .

> . N . . K . N . 16+16


This still doesn't work, the position can be reached
without black 0-0:

1.a2-a4 g7-g6 2.Ra1-a3 b7-b6 3.Ra3-h3 Bf8-g7
4.b2-b3 Bg7-d4 5.d2-d3 Ke8-f8 6.Qd1-d2 Kf8-g7
7.Qd2-h6 Kg7-f6 8.Qh6-f8 Bc8-a6 9.Rh3-h6 Ba6-b5
10.h2-h4 Qd8-c8 11.Rh1-h3 Qc8-b7 12.Rh3-g3 Qb7-f3
13.Rg3-g5 Qf3-h5 14.g2-g4 Bd4-e5 15.Bf1-g2 Nb8-a6
16.Qf8-b8 Kf6-g7 17.Bg2-b7 Ng8-f6 18.Bb7-c8 Kg7-f8
19.Bc1-f4 Kf8-e8


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