[Retros] Task

Noam Elkies elkies at math.harvard.edu
Sun Sep 24 00:08:14 EDT 2006

>>> In the web-site "France-Echecs", I proposed the following problem [...]

>> What's the link?

> http://www.france-echecs.com/

It's still not obvious to me where to go from there to see your
announcement and the proof games you described.

>>> Knight with capture : not least [...]

>> What does "not least" mean?

> It means that even if we accept that some capture occurs during the game,

> we were unable to find a shortest one.

By "shortest" I guess you mean "shorter" there.

>>> Rook without capture : 9 moves (Itamar Faybish)

>> This at least is not optimal:

>> 1 f3 h5 2 Kf2 h4 3 Qe1 h3 4 Kg3 Nf6 5 Qf2 Rg8 6 Kh4 Se4 7 g3 f5 8 Qg2 Rh8#

> Very nice game, and quickly realised !

Thanks, though again it seems that even this is longer than necessary.


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