[Retros] Re: e.p. problem

liskov liskov at im.bas-net.by
Tue Oct 12 06:20:36 EDT 2004

1. Francois Perruchaud wrote:

> In 2002, I composed this joke :

> Black is mate, but white allows him a posteriori to capture e.p.

> I don't know if we can say that black has only one move.

> He has certainly less than one move ! Maybe 0.5 ;-)


> 3N4/p1Nppp2/1p1B4/kP6/pP6/r1P2P2/b5PP/1B2K2R

> White:Ke1,Nc7,Nd8,Bb1,Bd6,Rh1,Pb4,b5,c3,f3,g2,h2 /

> Black:Ka5,Ba2,Ra3,Pa4,a7,b6,d7,e7,f7

> (12 + 9)

> Helmate in 2 - a posteriori

This problem would probably look less joky with the stipulation
"Helpmate exactly in two moves" or something like this.

2. Joost de Heer wrote:

> The following comes close:


> http://janko.at/Retros/Glossary/WithoutWords.htm

Here is my recent AP-problem, which has the simplest ORTHODOX stipulation
and is somewhat related to both of the above problems:

Valery Liskovets
Die Schwalbe, Aug. 2004 [PDB P1066685]
W: Ke1 Qf4 Ra1 Be2 Bg3 Se5 Pa3 Pd2 Pf2 Pf6 Pg5 Pg7 Ph4 Ph5
B: Kg1 Bh1 Pf5 Pg2 Pg4
8 . . . . . . . . 8
7 . . . . . . P . 7
6 . . . . . P . . 6
5 . . . . S -P P P 5
4 . . . . . Q -P P 4
3 P . . . . . B . 3
2 . . . P B P -P . 2
1 R . . . K . -K -B 1
#1 AP 14 + 5

White forces Black to capture ep, what is the sole and only conditionally
legal move: 0...gxh3 ep 1.0-0-0#!

Valery Liskovets

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