[Retros] Two little SPG-challenges

Francois Labelle flab at EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Nov 29 21:37:21 EST 2004

Christoph Fieberg wrote:

> Here another attempt in 12.0 (Natch worked so far in vain):


> Christoph Fieberg - SPG in 12.0 moves (9+11) - 29.11.2004 - C-

> r1bqkbnr/pp4pp/8/8/8/8/3P1P1P/RNB1K1NR w KQkq - 0 13

Cooked (by hand):

1. b4 d5 2. b5 Bh3 3. b6 Bxg2 4. bxc7 Bxf1 5. cxb8=N Bxe2 6. Nc6 Bxd1 7.
Nxe7 f5 8. Nxf5 Bxc2 9. Ne7 Bb3 10. Nxd5 Bxa2 11. Nb6 Be6 12. Nc8 Bxc8

Michel Caillaud wrote:

> And the "human" chase to the longest LS-SPG can be opened!

What is the *shortest* At-Home LS-SPG (> 0.0 moves)? Maybe I can
compute/confirm this one.


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