[Retros] solving in Messigny : II solutions and results

CAILLAUDM at aol.com CAILLAUDM at aol.com
Fri Jul 25 17:45:58 EDT 2003

Oops. I forgot to post it sooner.
To do it quicker (and have a little sleep before my plane to Moscow), I let
the french text of solutions. I hope you can read it.
Thanks again to composers who provided SPGs for the competition.
I got no classical retro and composed quickly 3 of them; too quickly as
unfortunately one of them is cooked as some solvers in Messigny and also Henrik
Juel found.

1.d3 Ch6 2.F×h6 é6 3.Rd2 Dg5+ 4.Rç3 Dç1 5.Dd2 D×f1 6.Dé1 g6 7.Fç1 h5
8.Rd2 Fh6+ 9.Rd1 (C+)

2) Nicolas DUPONT
1.g3 g6 2.Fh3 Fh6 3.Fé6 Fé3 4.f×é3 f×é6 5.Rf2 Rf7 6.Df1 Df8 7.Dg2 Dh6
8.Dé4 Dh3 9.Cf3 Ch6 10.Tf1 Tf8 11.Rg1 Rg8 (C+)

3) Christoph FIEBERG
1.Cç3 d5 2.Cé4 d4 3.Cg5 d3 4.C5h3 F×h3 5.g×h3 d×é2 6.h4 é×d1=T+
7.Ré2 T×ç1 8.T×ç1 é5 9.Té1 é4 10.Rd1 é3 11.Rç1 é2 12.Td1 é×f1=F (C+)

1.g3 h6 2.Fh3 h5 3.Fé6 f×é6 4.g4 Rf7 5.g5 Dé8 6.g6+ Rf6 7.h3 Df7 8.g×f7 g6
9.h4 Fh6 10.f8=F Fg5 11.Fh6 F×h4 12.Ff4 g5 13.Fd6 é×d6 (C+)

5) Kostas PRENTOS
1.a4 d5 2.Ta3 Cd7 3.Tg3 Cdf6 4.Tg6 h×g6 5.h4 T×h4 6.é4 Tf4 7.Th8 Fg4
8.T×g8 é6 9.T×f8+ Ré7 10.Th8 Dg8 11.Th3 Dh7 12.Ta3 Th8 13.Ta1 Cg8
14.Ca3 f6 (C+)

6) Joost DE HEER
1.h4 é6 2.h5 Dh4 3.g4 Dh2 4.f4 Fd6 5.f5 Ff4 6.Fg2 d6 7.F×b7 Rd7 8.Ff3 Fa6
9.é4 Ff1 10.d4 Ca6 11.d5 Tb8 12.Dd4 Tb3 13.D×g7 Cf6 14.ç4 Thb8 15.Cç3 T×ç3
16.b4 Tb5 17.Fa3 Ta5 18.b5 Rç8 19.F×d6 Cç5 20.a4 (C+)

7) Jonathan MESTEL & Ofer COMAY
1.é3 Cç6 2.Fa6 Tb8 3.Ré2 Cd4+ 4.Rd3 Cé2 5.Rç4 d5+ 6.Rb5 Rd7 7.F×b7(»b7) Ré6
8.Ra6 Rf5 9.R×a7(»a7) Rg4 10.F×d5(»d5)[b7] D×d5(»Fd5) 11.R×b8(»Tb8)[a7]
D×g2(»g2)[Fd5] 12.Cf3 Rh3 13.Té1 Cg1 14.Cé5 R×h2(»h2) 15.Dh5+ Rh1[h2] 16.Té2 Df1[g2]

8) Michel CAILLAUD
Derniers coups :
-1.Rb7×Tb8 Tç8-b8+ -2.Fb8×Ca7 Cb5-a7 -3.Ra7-b7 C~-b5+ -4.Fb7-a8 C~
-5.Fa8-b7 b7×Cç8=T -6.Cd6-ç8 Rç8-d7 -7.C~-d6+
et par la suite d7×ç6, ç6×Db7 (ç6×Tb7? est illégal)
La Dame noire a été capturée sur b7

9) Michel CAILLAUD
a) -1…ç2-ç4 -2.g4×Th3 Tg3-h3 -3.g5-g4 Tg1-g3 -4.h6×Fg5 Ta1-g1 -5.h7-h6 Fç1-g5

-6.Rç4-b4 d2-d3+
cooked as b) unlocking also works (shame on me to have missed this...) :
-1.g4xTh3 h4-h5 -2.h5xDg4 Dg8-g4 -3.h6-h5 Db8-g8 -4.h7-h6 Da7-b8 -5.Da6-b6
b) -1…h4-h5 -2.g4×Dh3 Df3-h3 -3.g5-g4 Dh5-f3 -4.g6-g5 Dh8×Ph5 -5.h6-h5 Db8-h8
-6.h7-h6 Da7-b8 -7.Da6-b6

10) Michel CAILLAUD
Jeu justificatif :
1) é7-é6, f7-f5, Th8 en b3
(la barrière formée par les Pions é6, f5, é3, f4 et h3 coupe la TBh1 de
l'aile Ouest)
2) a2×Tb3, Ta1 en b6; 3) a7×Tb6, Ta8 en ç4
4) b3×Tç4, Ff1 en a2, b2-b3, Fç1~, Th1 en ç5
b6×Tç5, F(ç1) en b8, F(f8) en a7, b7-b6, Fç8 en g4, h3×Fg4, f5×Pg4
derniers coups : n-2…C~-g8 n-1.f7×Cg8=T ç7×Cd6 n.Cb7-a5+
Réponse :
h8-b3; a8-ç4; a1-b6; h1-ç5; g8-g8

Results :
thanks to Gligor and Nicolas, no solver quit the competition totally hating
there was only 1 solver for 6 and 7, but that doesn't mean they were the most
difficult as some solvers didn't have chance to try them (some keeped sticked
to problems' order and spend all their solving time on Christoph's 3).
Congratulations to Pascal for his new title. It is a close win, as Gerd and
Thierry are really near. Christain completes the dominating quatuor, leaving
others far behind...

1 : Pascal Wassong 5+5+0+0+5+0+5+5+5+5 = 35 2h20'
2 : Gerd Wilts 5+5+5+5+5+0+0+5+5+0 = 35 2h28'
3 : Thierry Le Gleuher 5+5+5+0+5+0+0+5+5+4 = 34 2h29'
4 : Christian Poisson 5+5+5+5+0+0+0+5+5+0 = 30 2h26'
5 : Philippe Leroy 5+5+0+5+0+0+0+0+3+0 = 18 2h20'
6-7 : Claude Wiedenhoff 5+5+0+0+0+0+0+0+5+0 = 15 2h20'
6-7 : Jacques Dupin 5+5+0+0+0+5+0+0+0+0 = 15 2h20'
8 : Sebastien Cossin 5+5+0+5+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 15 2h21'
9 : John Beasley 5+5+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+4 = 14 2h20'
10 : Laurent Riguet 5+5+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 10 1h47'
11 : Brian Stephenson 5+5+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 10 1h57'
12-13 : Abdelaziz Onkoud 5+5+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 10 2h20'
12-13 : Philippe Rouzaud 5+5+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 10 2h20'
14 : Jerome Auclair 5+5+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 10 2h24'
15 : Daniel Joffart 5+5+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 10 2h30'


PS : reminding of problems and stipulations
1 :
SPG 8.5 (15+15)

SPG 11.0 (15+15)

SPG 12.0 (11+14)

SPG 13.0 (13+15)

SPG 14.0 (14+14)

SPG 19.5 (15+13)

SPG 16.0  Haunted Chess (16+14)
[Haunted Chess : a captured unit becomes a « ghost » which reappears when the
capturing unit moves; in case of 2 ghosts on the same square (consecutive
captures), the oldest one disappears]

On which square was black Queen captured? (4+12)

Last moves?
a) diagram (12+12)
b) white Rc6 (13+11)
[indicate sequence of last moves, as long as they are unique]

History of Rooks? (12+12)
[for each Rook, indicate initial square and final square (= position in
diagram or capture square)]

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