[Retros] Re: protocol

Noam Elkies elkies at math.harvard.edu
Sat Apr 6 16:23:40 EST 2002

Otto Janko writes:

> The problem of how to deal with solutions has been discussed over and over

> again in newsgroups like <rec.puzzles> and <de.rec.denksport> (the German

> equivalent). It is not enough to write "solution follows" in a posting,

> or to post the solution in a different mail. In each case there is

> a big chance that the solution will be read accidentially.

In the latter case the chance is lessened if the different mail is titled
something like "SPG-62.5 SOLUTION".

> If it is desired or necessary to post a solution, [...]

Dan Meinking's message suggests that for some readers
it's almost always desired to post a solution.

Yet another approach: if you have access to a Web server,
post the solution there, and post the URL here; e.g. "solution:
see <http://www.janko.at/Retros/Corner/Probleembladsol.html#R087>".


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