[LargeFormat] Hello all

Tom Kumagai kumasan1969 at nifty.com
Thu May 29 17:40:26 EDT 2008


My name is Tom Kumagai and I am a new LF photographer. :D (amateur, of

I have been photographing nearly 30 years (since 10 yr old) and I
carry at least one camera every day the most of my life.
I buy 100ft bulk-load Tri-X every three months or so, and I don't even
count how many 120 T-Max rolls I use per month
(I am an IT engineer and work late too). Yes, and yes, I am addicted
to photography.

I found a nice Nagaoka Woody 4x5 folder at an used camera shop named
Lemon, in Ginza Tokyo, only for 35,000 yen
recently, just fell in love with it and needless to say, I brought
home with me. My point of interest in LF cameras is its ability
to control perspectives and I do kind of prefer monorails for that
purpose, but a 4x5, even with limited movements,
being this compact and light-weight is really nice to have. I also
bought myself a standard 150 Fujinon, 6 film holders,
and a box of Neopan Acros.

For a monorail, maybe I will get either Sinar or Toyo, used, and add a
monorail-to-linhof converter board,etc.

I do darkroom myself, I do monochrome almost exclusively, I don't have
4x5 tank (though somehow I have a 2x3 tank...)
so i will be using trays for film development for a while.

By the way, how do you people print? My small darkroom cannot allow me
to upgrade my enlarger (up to 6x7, made by Fuji,
and it's a nice one too...). You all have a 4x5 enlarger?



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