[LargeFormat] road trip

Jim Brick jim at brick.org
Thu Jul 21 21:22:37 EDT 2005

At 04:47 PM 7/21/2005, Richard Knoppow wrote:

>  Also check at http://www.krages.com/  for an article on photographer's 
> rights by an attorney.
>Richard Knoppow

It is true that photographers have rights. I'm a member of ASMP, who 
constantly tell me about all of the rights I have and that they have 
negotiated with the government. The problem is that local constabularies do 
not know these rights and are simply bent on protecting their local folks 
and way of life. Most people simply do not understand why one would 
photograph a barn, train whistle stop, grain silos, etc. So it is better to 
be prepared with "proof of who you are, what you are doing, and why you are 
doing it," than to sit for hours in a sheriff's office, your equipment 
confiscated (even if temporarily) wasting away the day until rights and 
wrongs can be sorted out.


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