[LargeFormat] Get together

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jun 16 12:34:42 2004

Tim Atherton wrote:

>>Unfortunately, I don't have anything much to show for the effort - got
>>rained out.  However, the trip did confirm my desire to go back (in
>>better weather!).
>>Brock :-(still drying out in Kamloops...
> Hmm - I think my wife drove through that last night (stopped overnight in
> Revelstoke) on the way from Nanaimo to Yellowknife..... As soon as it
> started to rain the baby decided to start to scream :-(
> tim

Weather has been really crappy this year so far.  Don't recall what was 
happening Monday night, but think it might have been a combination of 
rain and severe gusting wind.

Your wife deserves either a medal or a complimentary stay at an 
institution for the mentally deranged... I wouldn't even consider 
driving with a child under the age of 10 on such a long trip! ;-)
