[LargeFormat] 480 Apo Nikkor Cell Spacing Question

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jan 25 08:12:12 2004

At 8:00 am -0500 25/1/04, BenMarks@aol.com wrote:
>I have a 480 Apo Nikkor which came to me as a barrel lens and which 
>I had the late Steve Grimes fit into a No.3 shutter for me.  I am 
>having a hard time acheiving sharp focus either at infinity or at 
>relatively close focus (around 6 feet).  I have enough bellows 
>extension. Stopping down from f/9 helps, a little, but does not 
>solve the problem.


The easiest way of checking the lens without resorting to fine 
measurement of cell spacing and reference tables is to mount the 
cells back into the barrel and  check out the ground glass.

You should find that the lens will snap into focus without having to stop down.

This way you will eliminate any mounting errors (if any). Did you 
check the lens before sending it off to Steve?  It could have had 
problems before the conversion.
