[LargeFormat] Kodak to Stop Making Film-Based Cameras!

Vince Dobson largeformat@f32.net
Thu Jan 15 14:02:13 2004

But, Michael

The NC line you mentioned is great for portraiture, nit as good for
landscapes.  I do like the VC line but on those pre-sunrise mornings I need
a fast film to keep from having cotton candy water or wind blurred leaves.
Kodak favors most of their films toward portraiture and the small format
shooter, not landscape and the large format shooter.  I had in the past
Portra 400VC and loved it but guess what, it is discontinued and you can now
only buy it in 120, 220 and 35mm.

All along we (large format shooters) needed the fast films in 4x5 and 8x10
sheets because of the higher f stops we are forced to use but no, there was
not a big enough market there to warrant that bottom line wise.  A good
business plan is to sometimes supply an item because of a need even if the
numbers do not warrant it to build customer loyalty to increase sales in
other areas.  We have not received that support from Kodak and I would not
morn their demise, but I do not see that on their radar in the foreseeable

Vince Dobson
Visions In Nature

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	largeformat-admin@f32.net [mailto:largeformat-admin@f32.net]  On
Behalf Of Michael Sullivan
Sent:	Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:19 AM
To:	largeformat@f32.net
Subject:	Re: [LargeFormat] Kodak to Stop Making Film-Based Cameras!

And Kodak's Portra 160NC and 400NC films are simply fabulous -- great
detail, tight grain, wonderful latitude. Compared to the films I was
shooting back in the 70s and 80s (even the early 90s), these new films are
light-years ahead of where things were. We need to remember this.

At 10:21 AM 1/15/2004, you wrote:
I was very impressed with their new E100G.  In full sunlight, I think the
Velvia 50 shots are better.  However, on the overcast days, the Velvia was
dull and flat, the E100G looked like what you would have expected from the
Velvia - much more vibrant and saturated.  I took 4 E6 flims and shot them
all in a row, I wanted to see what I liked best (Provia, Velvia, E100G and
E100VS).  At least I narrowed it down to two :-)

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