[LargeFormat] Shutter speed lengthened by very small apertures

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Tue Dec 9 20:46:28 2003

Hi Ed:

As a followup, one of the 11x14s came out perfectly exposed, the other 
is a little too dark as I had bracketed the second shot at about a half 
of the way down from f45 towards f64.  In any case, neither of them is 
too light as I would have expected based on your posting about longer 
shutter speeds due to very small apertures on large leaf shutters.

When I bought my Rollei 6008i I was worried that the leaf shutters would 
give me those longer than expected shutter speeds, but I haven't seen it 
there yet either.

I've had the big chromes in hand since the day before Thanksgiving but 
hadn't posted because I haven't scanned them yet.  The problem being 
that the best one was mangled a bit in the processing machine at the lab 
that I use, which makes it unscanable unless I crop it with a razor 
blade and straightedge.

When I can make some room on my light table, I'm going to try shooting 
them both with the CoolPix and then show you.

Jim - http://www.hemenway.com

Jim Hemenway on 11/23 wrote:
> Hi Ed:
> I've read about it before but I don't think that I've been hurt by it.
> I'll let you know if the chromes end up being too light after they've 
> been processed.
> Jim - http://www.hemenway.com
> Edward Meyers on 11/23 wrote:
>> With large leaf-shutters when stopped down a lot the actual
>> shutter speed becomes longer than set. Shutter speeds on leaf cameras are
>> figured at wide open aperture...with small apertures the shutter
>> time of opening and closing adds time to the overall setting. Ed
>> On Sun, 23 Nov 2003, Jim Hemenway wrote:
>>> 1/15th at f45 on 11x14 Ektachrome 100 using my 360mm f6.8 Symmar-S today
>>> in Boston.... basically Sunny 16 (+ or -).  43F at 10 AM, 51 now.
>>> philip lambert wrote:
>>>> When I was working for a concrete company in the Middle East I 
>>>> bought a zoom
>>>> lens for my camera and the roadtest said best definition was 
>>>> obtained at f8
>>>> so I took most of my pictures at f8 on 100  film and the shutter speed
>>>> typically was 1/2000.  Today with my Symmar at f16 my Gossen meter 
>>>> suggested
>>>> I open the shutter, go and put the kettle on and close the shutter 
>>>> on the
>>>> way back..  Definitely a monochrome day.  Colour saturation - what 
>>>> was that?
>>>> Philip
>>>>> a civilized world, closed and boarded up for the Lord's day of rest.
>>>>> Unremitting gloom. It was a relief to find myself in Africa and 
>>>>> then The
>>>>> Middle East.  At least it was sunny on Friday.