[LargeFormat] Compound Shutters

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Fri Dec 5 11:34:06 2003

None of my three Compound shutters have a patent number (D.R.P or other) anywhere on them. They do however have serial numbers - at 
least that's what I assume they are since they're all different.

Ole Tjugen

05.12.03 11:30:33, Alexander Selzer <selzer@gmx.de> wrote:

>Am Thu, 4 Dec 2003 12:02:35 -0800
>schrieb "Richard Knoppow" <dickburk@ix.netcom.com>:
>> My one and only Compound has a patent number on the
>> speed dial. I can barely read it. It appears to be 391739.
>That must be incorrect. This is about a tool for a steel mill. :-)
>Alexander Selzer
>LargeFormat mailing list