[LargeFormat] fresnel screen orientation

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Thu Nov 6 13:36:09 2003

At 12:23 PM 11/6/2003 -0500, Vincent Dobson wrote:
>Perhaps this is right then.  I know my grooves are toward the bellows and
>under the GG on my Tachihara and I put that in per the Beattie
>instructions - so perhaps it doesn't matter?
>Vince Dobson
>Visions In Nature

I use a Boss screen in my Technikardan 45s. No Fresnel. The Boss screen 
seems to be bright enough and sharp enough even for these old eyes. Even 
with my 55/4.5 APO Grandagon. But I'm very happy that Rodenstock makes 
f/4.5 WA lenses!!!
