[LargeFormat] Shutter Release Cables for Betax and Alphax Wanted

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jul 25 06:48:01 2003

Dear All,

As we are again in the realms of "For Sale Friday" here goes.....

Am looking for shutter release cables for Betax and Alphax shutters. I have 
posted this request on the f32.net Forum at http://www.f32.net/discus/ and 
someone did try to help out but it turned out that the cables had a tapered 
end in common with most contemporary release cables.

The cables for Alphax and Betax shutters have a parallel or "square" 
threaded business end and a relatively long throw to trip the self cocking 
mechanism. I did have a couple of these that did the trick but have managed 
to lose my last one on a recent field trip in Wales. If someone comes 
across a damp lens cap and a release cable with a square end then please 
return 'em!

The best place to find the cables would probably be in a junk box at your 
local long established camera emporium if you are in North America. Perhaps 
the next time you visit you would be so kind as to ask the staff if you can 
have a rummage through their old cables.

These cables are uncommon in the UK as there were not too many of the 
larger Alphax and Betax shuttered lenses imported.

Happy to pay the going rate (whatever that is!) + shipping.

Thanks in anticipation.

Cheers, Clive