[LargeFormat] Summer in the City

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jul 15 11:46:44 2003

At least the Bergheil has rise and shift, and interchangeable lenses through an ingenious bayonet. I think I'll try to have one made for a 
90mm angulon, so I can use it on mine... Rollfilm adapters are common for the smaller cameras, rare for 9x12cm's.

15.07.03 16:17:22, "philip lambert" <philip.lambert@ntlworld.com> wrote:

>That's an interesting idea. Do they allow change of lenses and a rollfilm
>back?.  Do they have movements beyond a rising front?  Philip
>> If we are to discuss miniature cameras here, go and get a Voigtländer Avus
>or Bergheil in 6.5x9 or larger. Still small, lightweight cameras...
>> Ole Tj