[LargeFormat] Linhof

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jun 24 22:30:02 2003

Dear Nephew Daniel,

     The Cine Rolex back is a back that takes 70mm perforated film, running
it between two large metal cassettes - rather like a giant version of the
Agfa Rapid cassette of the 1960's. Portra 160 70mm film is still available
from B&H and is useful for jobs like school portrait sessions or convention
work where you need to roll through up to 50 or so 6 x 7 negatives without
reloading. Pro labs with roller processors for C41 can do the negatives.

     I found that the gate on my enlarger was too narrow for this film so I
just trimmed the sprockets off the negatives with a pair of scissors and it
worked fine.

     Uncle Dick