[LargeFormat] Linhof Color

Ken Strauss largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jun 4 00:04:24 2003

I have been offered an older Linhof Kardan Color 45S (there is a picture at
http://confederationc.on.ca/surplussale/details.asp?Link_ID=69 -- this is
not the same model as the "Kardan Color 4x5" that was previously discussed
on this thread).

The camera is in excellent condition, standard bellows, extra lens board.
What would be a fair price? Other than the weight, are there any concerns
using this camera in the field for architectural and landscape work? Are
accessories for the Kardan Bi interchangeable with the 45S? What is the
shortest focal length lens that can be used without a recessed board or bag