[LargeFormat] Compund Shutters

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Tue May 20 22:37:19 2003

At 12:33 pm -0400 20/5/03, Stuart Phillips wrote:
>Clive, I am sure you know this page, from the late Steve Grimes' site. If
>not, this might help you:


Thanks for that - I hadn't seen that page but remember the others. 
The idea of messing around with paper iris blades puts me off a 
little. Having done a few CLAs on old studio shutters I know how 
fragile those paper blades can become  after 50 years of use and 
quite a challenge to reassemble.

The shutter seems fairly simple though. It really depends on how worn 
the air piston/barrel has become as to whether the slow speeds can be 
resurrected. If they are running too slow then it seems there may be 
a good chance of sorting them. The shutter I am considering is 
running too fast on the slower speeds so I may simply look for 
another one which is less worn.

Thanks again for the URL.
