[LargeFormat] Film Holders

Alan Davenport largeformat@f32.net
Mon Apr 7 09:58:00 2003

At 04:59 AM 4/7/2003, you wrote:
>Do you take your exposed darkslides to the processor or do you take out the
>sheets and put them back in a film carton and mail it? Do you find that the
>slow method of working with sheet film hampers the free use of your camera
>or does it concentrate the mind and make you take extra pains?PL

I remove the sheets, place them in a film box and hand carry the box to
my lab.  They always take pains to return the box, which is nice.

I find that the enforced regimen of sheet film entirely changes the
photographic experience.  I think sometimes it does help focus my efforts
and the results show that.  Other times it hampers; that's when I get bad 
OTOH, maybe those are the times when I refuse to listen to the instructions in
my head--"slow down"--"think"--"be careful."