[LargeFormat] Ortho films

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Tue Feb 25 04:44:03 2003

Good news for ortho fans:

EFKE now make their 25 ISO film in sheet sizes - EFKE PL25. while not entirely orthochromatic, it has almost zero red-sensitivity. A great 
old-fashioned film.

25.02.03 05:16:59, "Richard Knoppow" <dickburk@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

>  Be careful about Karsh. I am pretty sure he shot most of
>his male portraits with ortho film expressly because it
>gives that "gritty" look. Women are best photographed using
>pan film and tungsten light, which tends to suppress skin
>blemishes. Of course, women are often photographed wearing
>makup, so that is another difficulty in guessing at
> I have no idea of
>what film Karsh used but Kodak, Ansco, and Defender, all
>made suitable film at the time. I think the only normal
>contrast ortho film on the market now is made by Ilford.