[LargeFormat] DIY Focusing Cloth and Blankies

philip.lambert largeformat@f32.net
Sat Feb 22 03:52:00 2003

Dear Uncle Dick
Please tell us about your new camera or the world will only guess what you
have been doing behind it under a large army blanket.........your nephew

Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] DIY Focusing Cloth and Blankies

> Dear Friends,
>     If you are kind to me I will tell you about my new camera. It arrived
> today to the dismay of the girl in the post office who had never seen a
> parcel like it. When I told her the package was full of severed heads she
> heaved a sigh of relief - she feared much worse.
>     But I cannot say more now as you have not been kind to me yet and my
> response will be proportional.