[LargeFormat] Polaroid back light leak

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Feb 12 13:26:49 2003

At 12:06 12/02/2003 -0600, Lloyd Schultz wrote:
>Okay friends,
>I have a Polaroid 545 holder that  I have used on an older Cambo monorail
>successfully for a while.   Last year I picked up a Speed Graphic-type
>Beseler (Type 6?)in great condition, Grafloc back, etc  & have used it with
>all types of 4x5 film holders, and negs have been fine.  But when I use the
>545 back there is a major light leak blowing away the film.  I have checked
>to see if there were any baffles not meshing, or if I am not sliding it in
>all of the way,etc.  Can't seem to track it down.
>Any ideas?


If it is a 545i as opposed to a 545 then it may be the bulbous nature of 
the business end holding the holder slightly above the film plane and 
allowing the light in. I have had similar problems trying to use a 545i 
with an MPP Technical camera - luckily managed to spot the problems before 
exposing any film..... The older all metal 545 holders work perfectly.
