[LargeFormat] Cutting a ground glass

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Sun Dec 15 10:40:01 2002

Hi Ken, Les, Rich, and John:

Thanks for your suggestions.  Many years ago while in college, I worked
as a picture framer and got pretty good at cutting ordinary glass. 
Compared to frosted glass, regular glass is pretty easy to cut quickly
and accurately.

What I'm now learning is that when I run the cutter, (new diamond wheel
and kept in a jar of kerosene) over the ground glass, that I'm having
trouble getting clean cuts. And, I think that it has something to do
with the frosted side, by being already etched and by virtue of that,
already "scored" in a zillion ways, that the glass doesn't "know" which
way to break in order to produce a straight cut.

I'm going to try it again later today by running the wheel on both sides
of the desired edge... if that doesn't work then it's off to the
professionals as some of you have suggested.


Jim - http://www.hemenway.com