[LargeFormat] Jobo Tank for 4x5

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sun Nov 3 09:26:03 2002


Have just returned from a camera fair out in the depths of the 
Somerset countryside. Picked up another Jobo CPE2 - yes there is 
already one sitting in the darkroom but this one has a lift! It came 
with a number of tanks and drums and a fair amount of dust. It looks 
as though lift has never been attached to the processor and seems new 
so a bit of a result there.....

One of the tanks is for 4x5 film and is a double reel tank. The 
others are still in the back of the car. Will keep my fingers crossed 
for a 5x7 solution.

Guess I'll be looking for some cogs to replace those magnetic drives 
on the other tanks here. I hope they are not too expensive.
