[LargeFormat] Jobo Tank for 4x5

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sat Nov 2 20:47:10 2002

At 22:53 30/10/2002 -0800, Frank Filippone wrote:
>Clive... the mixing of the developer into its first solution is harmful if
>you breathe the fumes... so work outside on a slightly breezy day and work
>so the chemicaals are downwind of you.. if you do that, the danger is
>Rollo PYRO is available from the Photographers' Formulary and I think
>Bostick and Sullivan......
>The formulary sells but does not advertise the half kits... 16L worth of
>chemicals which at 300 mL per run, is 48 runs of negs....to be more
>direct..... 200 sheets of 5x7, 300 sheets of 4x5, etc  A LOT of film......

Thanks Frank. There is now little chance of obtaining any photographic 
chemicals through international shipping routes. Will try Silverprint here 
in the UK at some point next week to see if they offer a similar kit. 
Silverprint sold me a standard powder based Pyro kit while ago and as far 
as I know they do not have the safer pre-mixed liquid version.

Yet another reason to live in the US of A :-)
