[LargeFormat] The Oh My Goodness File

Alex Le Heux largeformat@f32.net
Sun Oct 20 17:12:15 2002

On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 06:28:57PM +0800, rstein wrote:
>     You too can join in this file. You just tag on the end and tell us when
> you first realised that you were turning to the dark side. When you
> discovered that you were the sort that your Mum used to warn you about. When
> you finally had to admit that you should be locked up.

Some time ago, after spending from dawn to dusk in the dark sniffing the

As I walk down the street, admiring the quickly disappearing light from the
setting sun, a pretty lass walks past. As I try not to ogle too much, I
catch a whiff of her perfume...

I was quite startled to find that it smelled a lot like Au du Fix...

I started to get frightened when I caught myself mumbling "Mmm, nice..."

Do I get one of those nice shirts with the really long sleeves now?


Technology, of course, has been part of human existence since our
Cro-Magnon ancestors picked up a stone and realized it could be more than
part of the landscape.
                                        - Declan McCullagh