[LargeFormat] of tripods and mountains

Alex Le Heux largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jul 9 06:30:06 2002

> How do you get on with the 90mm SA on your MPP? I use a flat lens 
> board and have had bellows cutoff with radical rise. When the bed is 
> dropped the lens is between the two rails on my camera at infinity 
> focus - which can be a challenge to keep the lens on either the front 
> or rear rail section.

I couldn't tell you how the 90 mm and the MPP get on. I haven't been able
to use it a lot, as I still have not gotten around to arranging a lensboard
for it. I made some test shots with it taped to my Xenar's board (duct tape
rules!), and it seemed I could still get some moement out of it. No idea
how much though. I hope to have a proper board soon, and I will let you
know what I find...



Technology, of course, has been part of human existence since our
Cro-Magnon ancestors picked up a stone and realized it could be more than
part of the landscape.
                                        - Declan McCullagh