[LargeFormat] Dry Mounting Presses

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jun 16 10:29:12 2002

Dear friends,

     War Story.

     There I was at 5000 feet, upside down, with a Jerry on my tail and....

    And I saw an advertisement for a studio that was closing down. I quickly
landed the old crate outside the door of the studio and fought my way in
past the two people who were poking through the cardboard box full of
filters. And there she was.

     The biggest Ademco press I had ever seen. This thing dwarfed the steam
hammers that Krupp used to make battleship armour with. It was equipped with
it's own power generator. The plate was so big that it had a customs post on
either edge....

     Actually it was just a 20 x 24 press but it was up 3 flights of wooden
stairs and the owner was a frail old man. The new owner, I mean. Me. I paid
for it before I realised that it did not disassemble and I could not lift
any of it.

     Call on the phone to a man that owes me a favour and has actually
hauled mountain artillery up and down. He arrived with ropes and tackle and
sized up the bannisters and stairtreads and told me to get out from under. I
have new respect for the mountain troops. Also a large hot Ademco press in
the workroom. It drys prints, squashes boards, and makes the biggest toasted
cheese sandwiches in the southern hemisphere.

     Uncle Dick

 PS: You may have detected a slight note of exaggeration in this post. I
confess it is true. I am not frail. Just cunning.