[LargeFormat] re:reading

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jun 5 06:05:47 2002

Dear Eve,

     I have never yet been corrupted in a bookshop. I have been seduced in
pastry shops and abandoned in model railway stores and made a damnfool of
myself in the lingerie section of The Christian Science Reading Rooms. But
that was when I was younger and girls had more to offer. A lot of them
offered to split my head open.

    My daughter worked as the accounts clerk in a technical bookstore and
got a 30% staff discount. I was in heaven. I was also able to track the
movements of books that did not sell well and were destined fro the
remainders table. If they were desireable I would be warned when to be there
and could scoop them up before they were sullied by unworthy hands. Mind
you, there were a few wry smiles when I considered the original prices of
the photo books and the levels to which they could drop: $ 150 portrait
books skinning out at $ 19. Alas those days are over as the daughter has
taken up university studies and the only thing she can bring home are

    Buy more books. Keeps the publishers in business and lowers the prices.

    Uncle Dick

 PS: Jim Brick laughed at us out here in the West because we have gotten a
reputation for being boofheads. That is merely the perception that the media
presents - and generally only the television at that. We are really cultured
and civilised. Where else would you get your kangaroo leg cooked with a
little paper doily on it - made out of the Sunday Times center section....