[LargeFormat] Help getting a camera

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Apr 3 09:40:35 2002

At 09:33 03/04/02 +0200, Betsy Schneider wrote:
>Thanks Clive,
>Actually the perishible item is in my freezer and will wait indefinately. So
>your advice is well taken. Thanks. Do you think Ebay is the best place to
>start? What are the other options for checking out used equipment?

Well that means you have some time to make a decision/purchase which is a 
luxury that will allow you to find something that is exactly what you 
want.  EBay is A place to start rather than the best!  As always it is 
caveat emptor on Ebay but there have been several Calumet and Omega/Toyo 
monorails being sold on EBay recently, some of which were bargains.

If you want to have some sort of guarantee with the kit then the best place 
to look is the photographic dealers on the web. Mid West 
Photo  http://www.mpex.com have a good reputation and ship Internationally. 
Am sure that other people on the list based in the US can recommend dealers 
that will ship to Norway.  Mid West currently have a whole range of 
monorails, from a Calumet at $199 to a Toyo 45 CX at $499.

You could also place a wanted ad. on the f32 Large Format Discussion Forum 
at http://www.f32.net/discus/
