[LargeFormat] RE: Victoria

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jan 4 15:33:36 2002

And the other joke, 'why do the British drink their beer warm?  They have 
Lucas refrigerators...'

The meter question is a stumper I'd say.  My recommendation would be to 
try to establish a standard exposure with it and the spot meter.  Several 
ways of course, including metering a white wall, evenly lit to metering 
blue sky overhead, without clouds.  For a perfect exposure, the blue sky 
is the same as a grey card (18% if I'm not mistaken?).  Perhaps put a roll 
of B&W in the F, meter the wall with both, then shoot the same exposure 
with as many combinations of shutter and aperture as you can.  Record what 
frames were what.  Process and look for inconsistent results.  This would 
tell you if the problem is shutter/aperture related, at with what speed.

Does the F use the same battery as the old Pentax spotmeters?  The one you 
can't get anymore?  If the meter was left on with a close-to-flat battery, 
maybe the meter doesn't rise as far as it should and your exposure 
suffers?  I haven't spent much time with an F to recall exactly how it 
works.  What about the ears on the aperture ring that contact the metering 
system in the pentaprism?  Could there be a problem with ears or what they 

The blue sky metering has been a good standby for me.  If you're out of 
the shadows, exposing this way works every time.


On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, Wilkes, Don MSER:EX wrote:

> > Now my story is with my wife's Pentax MG. Yes that realy is a 
> > camera, but I'll swear it has Lucas wiring.
> How photographically a propos...my friends always referred to Lucas as "The
> Prince of Darkness."
> > and yet her negs come out fine.
> Hmm.  Maybe a wonky ASA dial?  Stranger things have happened.  None of it
> matters, of course, as long as it's *consistent*.  I'd happily shoot FP4 as
> if it were ASA1200 or ASA 12, as long as I got well-exposed negs every time.
> It's this "sometimes" that's driving my completely bats!
> Cheers,
> \dw
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