[LargeFormat] transparencies

Charles Thorsten largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 31 21:44:40 2001

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wilkes, Don MSER:EX" <Don.Wilkes@gems9.gov.bc.ca>
To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: [LargeFormat] transparencies
> I know Adams did a bit of work with the early LF Kodachrome; does anyone
> know what size he used?  The mind boggles at the thought of an 8x10!

Saint Ansel did much commercial work during the 1940's
using both 4x5 and 8x10 Kodachrome sheet film.  Kodak
offered it from 1938 until 1951 when it was replaced by
the new Ektachrome sheet film.  All of the images published
in the book "Ansel Adams in Color" were from Kodachrome
transparencies of this era, since the later Ektachromes had
faded and discolored to the point of being unusable.  It's
too bad Kodak didn't continue to offer Kodachrome in 
sheets!  I can only dream. 
