[LargeFormat] Who is Who

Stein largeformat@f32.net
Sun Dec 30 22:42:31 2001

Dear Les,

     Yes, I will get the Kodak book back from my friend who borrowed it and
copy out the pages.

     As far as inverted images go, we do it much the same as you do it up
there. When Mr. Menzies banned the Communist Party in the 1950's we were
forbidden to use any viewfinders that flipped things from the right wing to
the left wing. It was hell for Rolleiflex users. One chap in Melbourne was
put in gaol for 14 years for taking pictures at the Bishop of Ballarat's
garden party with a Rolleicord Vb. He had been using colour transparencies
and the police saw right through him....

    Uncle Dick