[LargeFormat] HTTP: & attachments

mark blackman largeformat@f32.net
Sat Dec 29 05:58:01 2001

What type of photographers are you?
I'm newish to photography, having had a break of 10 years or so (kids!).  I
use TLRs and large format - a mixture of landscape, and architecture. I
develop all my own B&W film, print my own medium format stuff , on the look
out for a 4x5 enlarger. I don't do much colour, all of which I use a pro lab
to process and print. I never shoot transparencies, I don't see the point in

Cannon eos (rarely used)
Rollei 35
Zero 2000 pin-hole camera (120)
Rolleiflex T
Yashica 12
Crown graphic
Ebony RW45 III

I use FP4 and Konica 750 film.