[LargeFormat] The second day of the Test....

Stein largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 24 08:28:26 2001

Dear Mark,

     That was a good question about the World Cup. You piqued my curiousity
about what did happen so I went down earlier in the evening to the
Esplanade. They've got the goalkeeper and the captain of the failed
Australian team down there buried up to the chin in hot sand and you can pay
$ 2 for a jar of sergeant ants to tip over them. Well, it amuses the kids
for Christmas.

    Apparently the game is played with a round ball as opposed to an oval
ball like rugby or proper football. This was discoverd by the team halfway
through the qualifying match and they just lost interest - apparently some
of them went to the movies and the others just sat around the field eating
icecreams and reading the paper until the Equadoreans had all gone home. I
think it was Equador - it might have been Estonia. Load of foreigners

    Don't despair over the cricket. I believe the team of taxidermists that
keep refreshing Lenin have been engaged to bring W.G. Grace up to speed for
the next Ashes. ( Note to American readers - too complex to explain.)

    Uncle Dick